Looking for someone to talk to about CSE332? Try the Study Center in CSE room 006! There's a table there just for working on and discussing CSE332!

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25 Sep
Courses begin
Intro; ADTs; Stacks & Queues Weiss 3.1-3.7 and slides(pptx) and slides(pdf) and video
26 Sep
S1 Intros, Java Generics slides and handout and solution
27 Sep
Algorithm Analysis 1 Weiss 2.1-2.4, Math Review: Weiss 1.1-1.6 and slides(pptx) and slides(pdf) and video
28 Sep
29 Sep
30 Sep
Algorithm Analysis 2 Weiss 2.1-2.4, Math Review: Weiss 1.1-1.6 and slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and video
1 Oct
2 Oct
Algorithm Analysis 3 Weiss 2.1-2.4 and slides(pdf) and slides(pptx) and math identities
EX0 Generics
3 Oct
S2 Asymptotics slides and handout and solution and math identities
4 Oct
Recurrences slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and slides (ink) and video
5 Oct
6 Oct
7 Oct
Priority Queues 1 (ADT) Weiss 6.1-6.3 and slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and slides (ink) and video
8 Oct
9 Oct
Priority Queues 2 (Binary Heap) Weiss 6.4-6.5 and slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and slides (ink) and video
EX1 Running Time
10 Oct
11 Oct
Dictionaries (ADT & Binary Search Trees) slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and slides (ink) and video
12 Oct
13 Oct
14 Oct
Dictionaries (AVL Trees 1) slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and slides (ink) and video
15 Oct
16 Oct
Dictionaries (AVL Trees 2) slides (pptx) and slides (pdf) and video
EX2 Recurrences
17 Oct
S4 AVL Trees slides and handout and solution
18 Oct
Dictionaries (Hashing) slides (pptx) and slides (pdf)
EX3 Heaps
19 Oct
20 Oct
21 Oct
Dictionaries (Hashing 2)
22 Oct
23 Oct
Sorting 1
24 Oct
S5 Hashing
25 Oct
Sorting 2
26 Oct
27 Oct
28 Oct
Sorting 3
29 Oct
30 Oct
Decision Trees
EX5 Hashing
31 Oct
S6 Sorting
1 Nov
Midterm Exam
2 Nov
3 Nov
4 Nov
Graphs 1 (Intro to Graphs)
5 Nov
6 Nov
Graphs 2 (Traversals)
EX6 Sorting
7 Nov
S7 Graphs
8 Nov
Graphs 3 (Shortest path)
9 Nov
10 Nov
11 Nov
Veterans Day
(no class)
12 Nov
13 Nov
Parallelism 1 (Fork-Join)
EX7 Graph Traversals
14 Nov
S6 ForkJoin
15 Nov
Parallelism 2 (Parallel Prefix)
16 Nov
17 Nov
18 Nov
Parallel Analysis & Amdahl's Law
19 Nov
20 Nov
Synchronization (Race Conditions)
EX8 Shortest Paths
21 Nov
S7 Concurrency & Two-Pass parallel
22 Nov
Synchronization (Deadlock)
EX9 ForkJoin
23 Nov
24 Nov
25 Nov
Minimum Spanning Trees
26 Nov
27 Nov
Disjoint Sets
EX10 Concurrency
28 Nov
Thanksgiving Day
(no class)
29 Nov
Native American Heritage Day
(no class)
30 Nov
1 Dec
2 Dec
Complexity Classes
3 Dec
4 Dec
P, NP, NP-Complete
5 Dec
S8 P/NP & Final Review
6 Dec
Courses end
EX12 P and NP
12 Dec
Final Exam