Lecture notes
The lecture notes from each class are posted here.
- 1-Apr-02 Introduction
[pdf 4]
- 3-Apr-02 Pointers
[pdf 4]
- 5-Apr-02 Lists
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 8-Apr-02 Fundamentals
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 10-Apr-02 Algorithm Analysis
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4],
- 12-Apr-02 Stacks and Queues
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 15-Apr-02 Trees Intro
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 17-Apr-02 AVL Trees
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 19-Apr-02 Splay Trees and B-Trees
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 22-Apr-02 and 24-Apr-02 Hashing
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 26-Apr-02 Binary Heaps
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 29-Apr-02 Binomial Queues
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 6-May-02 Sorting Intro
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 8-May-02 Shell Sort
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 10-May-02 Heap Sort
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
and Merge Sort
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 13-May-02 Quick Sort
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 15-May-02 Sorting Summary
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 17-May-02 Disjoint Sets Intro
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 20-May-02 Disjoint Sets
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 22-May-02 Graph Intro
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 24-May-02 Topological Sort
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4] and
and Shortest Path
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 29-May-02 Minimum Spanning Trees
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 3-June-02 Paths and Circuits
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]
- 5-June-02 NP
[pdf 1],
[pdf 4]