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    Software Tools

The software packages for this class are installed in the Math Sciences Computing Center . The download files provided here are only needed if you are doing the course work on some other system.


We will be using this graphics visualization package from ATT Research to draw the various data structures that we will be studying. The Graphviz information page is available at http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/. You can get to their download page from there.

The specific package that we are using is ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse373/graphviz-1.8.1-0.i386.rpm for Linux or ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse373/gv181.exe for Windows. The only program in the package that we actually need is "dot".

Postscript Viewer

The Graphviz program "dot" generates output in Postscript format. There are many viewers available for Postscript; you will need one for this class. I use GSview with Ghostscript on my Windows machines. The home page for GSview is http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/gsview/ where you will find the latest revision information for both GSview and Ghostscript.

Local copies of the installers are available. Ghostscript 7.04 is at ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse373/gs704w32.exe, and GSview 4.2 is at ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse373/gsv42w32.exe. Install Ghostscript first, then GSview.

Using the Math Sciences Computing Center

You are welcome to use any machine you like to complete these assignments. The MSCC lab is in the basement of the Communications Building, rooms B-22 and B-27, and has numerous PCs available for your use if you like.

One caution about using the MSCC machines. There are no individual accounts. Everyone logs on to a machine using the same account: “lab”. As a result, you should never leave your homework files on any of the lab machines.

The procedure is this:

  1. Log on to a PC using the “lab” account.
  2. Delete everything from the C:\temp directory.
  3. The first time you work on a project, download the sources from the class web site and unpack the zip file containing the supplied sources into the C:\temp directory.
  4. Do whatever development you like.
  5. When you are done working, copy the entire C:\temp\ADT directory to your account on Dante, using SSH Secure File Transfer.
  6. DELETE your files in C:\temp and EMPTY the recycle bin.
  7. The next time you want to work on your project, copy the files down from Dante, work on them, and then repeat steps 5 and 6 when you are done.
  8. Remember to DELETE your files in C:\temp and EMPTY the recycle bin when you are done.

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