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 CSE 373 Lectures
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    3/26/2001    Introduction
3/28/2001    Mathematical Background
3/30/2001    Analysis of Algorithms
4/2/2001      Lists
4/4/2001      Stacks and Queues
4/6/2001      Trees (Part I - Binary Search Trees)
4/9/2001      Trees (Part II - AVL Trees)
4/11/2001    Trees (Part III - Splay Trees and B-Trees)
4/13/2001    Trees and Heaps (B-Trees and Binary Heaps)
4/16/2001    Priority Queues (Part I - Binary Heaps)
4/18/2001    Priority Queues (Part II - Binomial Queues)
4/20/2001    Hashing (Part I)
4/23/2001    Hashing (Part II)
4/25/2001    Lab Session: Communications Bldg. B-027 and B-022
4/27/2001    Midterm Review
4/30/2001    Midterm
5/2/2001      Bubblesort, Selection Sort, and Insertion Sort
5/4/2001      Shellsort and Heapsort: 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/7/2001      Mergesort: 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/9/2001      Quicksort: 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/11/2001    Sorting: Lower Bound and Summary: 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/14/2001    Disjoint Sets I (Definitions and Motivation): 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/16/2001    Disjoint Sets II (Up-Trees and Analysis): 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/18/2001    Graph Algorithms I (Intro & Topological Sort): 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/21/2001    Graph Algorithms II (Topo Sort & Shortest Paths): 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/23/2001    Graph Algorithms III (Shortest Paths and MST): 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/25/2001    Graph Algorithms IV (MST and Euler): 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
5/30/2001    Hard problems & NP-completeness: 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page
6/1/2001      NP-completeness & Final Review: 2 slides/page or 4 slides/page

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to rao@cs.washington.edu]