Lecture Notes:

Slides are a mishmash of lots of other people's work. Special thanks to: Rob Fergus, Joseph Redmon, Harvey Rhody, Steve Seitz, Rick Szeliski, Ali Farhadi, Robert Collins, Ricardo Martin Brualla.

Date Lecture Notes in PPT Lecture Notes in PDF Readings
March 25 Introduction; ink Introduction None
March 27 Color and Texture; ink Color and Texture Joe Redmon's Color Lecture; Shapiro & Stockman Ch 6-7; HW1
April 1 Resizing; ink Resizing None
April 3 Filtering; ink Filtering Shapiro & Stockman 5.4-5.5,
Szeliski 3.2, 3.3.1, Morphological operations
April 8 Edges and Lines; ink Edges and Lines Shapiro & Stockman 5.6-8 and 10.3.4,
Szeliski 4.2.1; HW 2
April 10 Interest Operators; ink Interest Operators Szeliski 4.1.1, Harris Paper, SIFT paper
April 15 Describe and Match; ink Describe and Match Szeliski 4.1.2-4.1.3, SIFT paper
April 17 Matching and Blending; ink Matching and Blending Szeliski 6.1; HW3 Video
April 22 CBIR and EM; ink CBIR and EM S&S Ch 8; Yi's EM Classifier Paper;
April 24 Learning 1; Kadir and Fergus; ink Learning 1; Kadir and Fergus Related to S&S Ch 4; Kadir paper; Fergus paper
Apr 29 Face Detection and Recognition; ink Face Detection and Recognition Viola Jones paper; S & S Ch 14.4.4
May 1 SVMs and Neural Nets; Multi-Class; ink; SVMs and Neural Nets; Multi-Class Related to S & S Ch 4 and Szeliski (2nd edition) Ch 5
May 6 Object Recognition; ink Object Recognition Girshick Paper; Redmon's YOLO Paper; HW 4
May 8 CNN Basics; GANs CNN Basics; GANs PyTorch Tutorial
May 13 Self-Supervised Learning; ink Self-Supervised Learning
May 15 Diffusion Models; ink Diffusion Models
May 20 Motion; ink Motion Szeliski 8.4-8.5, S&S 9.3.4-6, Pyramid Paper; Ming Ye's paper; Motion Layers Paper
May 22 Stereo and 3D; ink Stereo and 3D Shapiro and Stockman Chs 12-13