Lecture Calendar

Week Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



languages; intro to ML

icon slides (icon PDF)
icon syllabus

READ: Ullman 1.1; 2; 3 - 3.2

Section 1

lists, tuples; mutable state

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 2.3 - 2.4; 3.2

Assigned: Homework 1


let; patterns

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 3.3 - 3.4

merge sort; efficiency issues

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 3.4.3 - 3.4.4

Section 2

Due: Homework 1

efficiency, tail recursion; print

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 3.5, 4.1

Assigned: Homework 2


higher-order functions;
map, filter, reduce;

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 5.2, 5.4

more map/filter/reduce;
anonymous functions;
composition of functions

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 5.1.3, 5.6

Section 3

Due: Homework 2

curried functions

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code
icon utility.sml

READ: Ullman 5.5, 5.6.4

Assigned: Homework 3


type systems; type safety;
equality types and polyEqual

icon slides (icon PDF)

READ: Ullman 6 - 6.2; 5.3

more about types;
nullable (option) types

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 6.2 - 6.3; 4.2.5 - 4.2.6

Section 4

record types;
closures; scoping

icon slides A (icon PDF)
icon slides B (icon PDF)

Due: Homework 3
Assigned: Homework 4



icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: Ullman 8.2 - 8.2.2, 8.5.5


icon slides (icon PDF)

icon Rational.sml
icon RATIONAL.sml

READ: Ullman 8.2.1

Section 5

cheating with mutable state:
arrays, references, while/do;
ML wrap-up

READ: Ullman 7.2 - 7.3

Due: Homework 4
Assigned: Homework 5


intro to Scheme

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

Midterm exam,
in lecture

Section 6

lists; let, let*;
higher-order / anon. funcs

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

Due: HW5
Assigned: Homework 6


more higher-order funcs;
lists and pairs

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

symbolic data; code as data;
REPL; symbolic differentiation

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

no school;
Veterans Day holiday

(no Section 7...
but see page for handout)

parsing; discuss HW7

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

Due: HW6
Assigned: Homework 7


mutation; memoization

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

delayed evaluation;
promises, thunks, streams

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

Section 8

macros; extending Scheme syntax

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

Due: HW7
Assigned: Homework 8


intro to JavaScript

icon slides (icon PDF)

READ: see web page

due to snow

no section;
Thanksgiving holiday

no lecture;
Thanksgiving holiday

Due: HW8A


arrays and objects

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page


icon slides (icon PDF)

READ: see web page

Due: HW8B

Section 9

prototypes and inheritance

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

Assigned: Homework 9


scope and closures

icon slides (icon PDF)

icon lecture code

READ: see web page

regular expressions

icon slides (icon PDF)

READ: see web page

Section 10

bad parts of JS;
OO vs. functional;
wrap-up; discuss final

icon slides A (icon PDF)

icon slides B (icon PDF)

Due: HW9


Due: HW10

Final exam,
8:30 - 10:30 AM, MOR 220