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Starting: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 10:03:38 PST
Ending: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 13:47:19 PDT
- 06/01/2004 - Maximal Independent sets in graphs and Segre's problem; Van Vu, University of California, San Diego, Visiting MSR
- 06/04/2004 - Algorithmic Construction of Sets for k-Restrictions; Dana Moshkovitz, Tel-Aviv University
- 07/01/2004 Shapes of random crystalline surfaces and facet formation; Richard Kenyon, CNRS, Orsay, France
- 4-13-2004 - Khovanov Homology for Tangles and Cobordisms; Dror Bar-Natan, University of Toronto
- 4/19/2004 - STABLE MARRIAGE OF POISSON AND LEBESGUE; Yuval Peres, UC Berkeley, Visiting MSR
- 4/21/2004 Maximizing the Spread of Influence in a Social Network; David Kempe - University of Washington
- 4/24/2004 The phase transition for random subgraphs of the n-cube; Gordon Slade, University of British Columbia, Visiting MSR
- 5/1/2004 - Northwest Theory Day
- 5/17/2004 Quantum Wires and a Solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem; Robert Schrader, Freie Universität Berlin
- 5/24/2004 Asymptotic Enumeration of Spanning Trees via Traces and Random Walks; Russell Lyons, Indiana University
- 5/27/2004 Distinguishing Chambers of the Moment Polytope - Tara Holm; University of California, Berkeley
- 590z on Friday 4/16
- 6/16/2004 Anomalous Diffusion and Polya Recurrence; Domokos Szász, Budapest University of Technology
- 6/7/2004 Variations on Hamiltonian Themes; Moshe Rosenfeld, University of Washington, Tacoma
- 7/13/2004 The Giant Component; Joel Spencer, Courant Institute, New York
- 7/14/2004 Convergence in competitive Games; Vahab S. Mirrokni, MIT
- 7/19/2004 Sharp thresholds for random constraint satisfaction problems; Michael Molloy - University of Toronto at Scarborough
- 7/2/2004 The Number of Linear Extensions of the Boolean Lattice; Prasad Tetali, School of Mathematics & College of Computing Georgia Tech., Atlanta
- 7/21/2004 Online Auctions, Strategyproofness and Random Valuations; Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, MIT and Microsoft Research
- 7/7/2004 Adaptivity and Approximation for Packing Problems; Michel Goemans, M.I.T
- CORRECTION: Theory Seminar, 4/30
- First Pacific Northwest Theory Day
- highly recommended talk today (sorry if you are getting this twice)
- Laszlo Lovasz Talk TODAY at 4:00
- practice talk tomorrow
- reminder: first theory seminar today 11:30am in EE1 045
- REMINDER: This Saturday: First Pacific Northwest Theory Day
- Room change for CSE 532 Computational Complexity Essentials
- sequence fragments
- Snir, 4/6, 1:30, on a problem derived from evolutionary biology
- Theory Seminar on 04/09: Testing Low Degree Ploynomials
- theory seminar this friday (ee1 045 11:30am)
- Theory seminar this friday: Dimitris Achlioptas
- theory seminar this week and next (fridays 11:30 ee1 045)
- Theory Seminar, 4/29
- Theory Seminar, 5/7
- Theory-Seminar Talk, Friday May 14, 11:30am EE1 045
- Theory-Seminar Talk, Friday May 14, 11:30am EE1 045 Reminder
- Time & Room Change: CSE 590Z Theory Seminar
- TODAY: UW CSE Colloq / Kilian / NEC Laboratories / Achieving Obliviousness - The Theory of Secure Computation
- upcoming seminars
- Updated: 7/13/2004 The Giant Component; Joel Spencer, Courant Institute, New York
Last message date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 13:47:19 PDT
Archived on: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 13:47:19 PDT
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: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 13:47:19 PDT