From: Kelli McGee \(Kelly Services Inc\) (
Date: Thu May 27 2004 - 14:12:33 PDT
You are invited to attend...
WHO: Van Vu
AFFILIATION: University of California, San Diego, Visiting MSR
TITLE: Maximal Independent sets in graphs and Segre's
WHEN: Tue 6/01/2004
WHERE: 113/1159 Research Lecture Room, Microsoft Research
TIME: 3:30PM-5:00PM
HOST: Jeong Han Kim
Consider the finite plane F(q)^2 over the field of q elements. An arc a
set with no three elements on a line. An arc is maximal if it cannot be
extended. B. Segre, in the fifties,
Posed the following question:
What are the possible cardinalities of a maximal arc?
Segre's question is one of the main sources for research in finite
geometry. In this talk, we will give a brief survey on the main
developments concerning this question. Next, we discuss our recent
result which shows that the possible cardinalities of a maximal arc form
a dense set between the trivial upper and lower bounds.
The proof blends tools from several areas of mathematics: algebra, graph
theory and probability. Central to it is the following graph theoretical
statement, which might be of independent interest:
Let G be a d-regular graph on n points with girth at least 5. Then G
contains a maximal independent set of size approximately (n log d)/d.
(joint work with J.H. Kim).
Van Vu is an associate professor at the department of mathematics at
UCSD. Currently he is a long term visitor at the Theory group at
Microsoft Research. He received his Ph.D. in 1998 under L. Lovasz at
Yale and spent his postdoc years at IAS and Microsoft. He has received
a Sloan fellowship and an NSF Career Award.
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