Week of |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
March 31 |
Chapters |
April 7 |
HW 1 due |
Chapter 4 |
April 14 |
HW 2 due at
beginning of class Splay
Trees |
Chapter 4 |
April 21 |
Priority Queues: |
Binary Min Heaps & |
Chapter 6 |
April 28 |
D-heaps, Leftist heaps,
& Skew Heaps |
Leftist heaps |
HW 3 due |
Chapter 6 & 8 |
May 5 |
HW 4 due |
Chapter 8 & 4.7 |
May 12 |
B-trees |
Hashing II (no new slides) (Ans #1) |
Chapter 5 |
May 19 |
HW 5 due |
Graphs: Topological Sort |
Chapter 9 |
May 26 |
(Ans #1 - note order for 2 and 4 could be reversed) |
Graphs: Dijkstra’s,
Minimum spanning trees, Kruskal's & Prim's
algorithms |
Chapter 9 |
June 2 |
MST: Prim’s & Kruskal’s |
Sorting II |
Chapter 7 |
June 9 |
Final Exam: |
Lecture slides borrow heavily from those used in previous offerings on cse373, who in turn borrowed from previous offerings, etc.