CSE 521p: Algorithms (Spring 2015)

[course description | lectures | project | discussion board] | related material] | important announcements]

important announcements


Key (see references below):

course description

Instructor: Anna Karlin, CSE 594, tel. 543 9344
Time: Mondays, 6:30 -- 9:20pm in MGH 231
Office hours:  By appointment -- send email.

Teaching assistant: Kira Goldner
Office hours:

Course evaluation: homework (~60%), project (~40%).

About this course:
We will study the design and analysis of algorithms from a modern perspective with a particular focus on techniques that find use in many subfields of computer science. The modern perspective means that there will be extensive use of randomization and approximation. Topics will include hashing and its many applications, linear programming and basics of convex optimization, decision making under uncertainty, dimension reduction, streaming, load balancing, etc.

related material

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