Class Lecture Slides and Multimedia Archives

Slides should appear here by noon of each class day and will be available in the following formats: jpeg, PDF, and Powerpoint. Non-slide handouts will be available in PDF, GIF/jpeg, and Microsoft Word (or other appopriate format).

·         Lecture 1: Course Introduction - 9/27/99


·         Lecture 2: Conceptual Design using the Entity-Relationship Model - 9/29/99


·         Lecture 3: The Relational Model - 10/4/99


·         Lecture 4: Schema Refinement and Normalization - 10/6/99


·                 Lecture 5: Relational Algebra - 10/11/99


·                 Lecture 6: SQL: The Query Language- 10/13/99


·                 Lecture 7: Storing Data:  Disks and File Organizations- 10/18/99


·                 Lecture 8: Indexing- 10/20/99


·                 Lecture 9: Implementation of Relational Operations- 10/25/99


·                 Lecture 10: Relational Query Optimization- 10/27/99


·                 Lecture 11: Physical Database Design and Tuning- 11/1/99


·                 Lecture 12: Physical Design and Tuning Example- 11/3/99


·                 Lecture 13: Concurrency Control- 11/8/99


·                 Lecture 14: Logging and Recovery- 11/10/99


·                 Lecture 15: Compressing Relations and Indexes- 11/15/99

                 Please note:  Due to audio difficulties, the first 12 minutes of the lecture may be inaudible and indistinct.  Normal audio levels return after

                 this period.  Please adjust your volumes accordingly at each span.


·                 Lecture 16: Views- 11/17/99


·                 Lecture 17: OODBMS: Introduction and Logical Database Design- 11/22/99


·                 Lecture 18: Object Databases: Logical Data Modeling- 11/29/99


·                 Lecture 19: Object Database Queries: OQL- 12/1/99


·                 Lecture 20: CSE 594 review- 12/6/99


·                 Lecture 21: Current and Future Trends in DBMS- 12/8/99