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 CSE 490K: Computer Security (Spring 2007)
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Lecture slides will be posted here as the course progresses (unless there is a guest lecture or the slides are copyrighted by another party).

Course content may vary slightly based on student interest.

Date Lecture Readings Homework Project
Tu 3/27
Introduction (Small Slides) Stamp, Chapter 1 (required)

Anderson, Chapter 1 (required)

Out: HW1  
Th 3/29
No class      
Tu 4/3
Buffer overflow attacks and software security (Small Slides) Stamp, Sections 11.1 and 11.2 (required)

Smashing the stack (optional)

Blended attacks (optional)

Format strings (optional)

Th 4/5
Real-world computer security; David Aucsmith, guest lecture None Due: HW1

Out: HW2

Tu 4/10
Cryptography: Symmetric foundations (Small Slides) Stamp, Sections: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.5, 2.3.7, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2 (just the material before 3.2.1), first two paragraphs of 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2 (skim), 3.3.3, 3.3.4 (skim), 3.3.7, 3.4, 3.5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 (required)

Stallings, Chapter 2 (optional)

Bellare and Rogaway, Chapters 1 through 6 (optional, for those interested in reduction-based provable security)

Out: SE1 Out: PP1
Th 4/12
Thinking about security, ethics, and the "big picture;" Dan Halperin and Jonathan Hsieh, guest lecturers Master Keys (optional)

Safecracking (optional)

MIT Guide (optional)

Bumping (optional)

Master Locks (optional)

Due: HW2

Out: HW3

Tu 4/17
Physical security, public key cryptography, and PKIs (Small Slides) Stamp, Chapter 4 (except 4.2 and 4.5) (required)

Stallings, Chapter 3, 4.2, and 4.3 (optional)

Bellare and Rogaway, Chapters 7 through 10 (optional, for those interested in reduction-based provable security)

Due: SE1

Out: SE2

Th 4/19
Authentication: Passwords, biometrics, and more (Small Slides) Stamp, Chapter 7 (required)

Matsumoto (optional)

Due: HW3 Due: PP1 (part1)
Tu 4/24
Human aspects, usability, phishing (Small Slides) Stamp, Chapter 9 (required)

Secure Interaction (optional)

Th 4/26
RFIDs (combined with the Society and Technology group, with guest lecturer Dan Kaminsky)     Due: PP1 (part2)
Tu 5/1
Cryptography Details (Small Slides) (White Background) (Small Slides, White Background)   Due: SE2  
Th 5/3
Tu 5/8
TCP/IP, routing, and DNS security (Small Slides) Stamp, Appendix A-1 (required)

SYN Cookies (required)

IP Spoofing (required)

  Out: PP2
Th 5/10
Botnets and spam (Small slides) Tracking Botnets (optional)

Botnet Commands (optional)

Tu 5/15
Guest lecture: Michael Howard      
Th 5/17
Trusted computing, secure hardware, tamper resistance, and DRM; John Manferdelli, guest lecture     Due: PP2 (informal)
Tu 5/22
No class      
Th 5/24
Web security and privacy: Cross-site scripting, cookies, and more (Small slides) ; Guest lecture, Charlie Reis (Charlie's slides; Small version) Does and Don'ts of Client Authentication on the Web (optional) Out: SE3 Due: PP2

Out: PP3

Tu 5/29
Firewalls, intrusion detection (Small slides) Stallings, Sections 9.2 and 11.1 (required)    
Th 5/31
Anonymity (Small slides)   Due: SE3 Due: PP3

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