Project #2
Out: May 8
Due: May 24, 11:59pm (not in class)
Informal part-way due date: May 17, 11:59pm (not in class). Turn in your code for mounting a MITM attack (but not your code for user authentication). The May 17 deadline is an informal deadline -- your May 17 submission will not be graded. Rather, just as with Project #1, we encourage you to start early. Aiming for this informal deadline should help you complete the entire project
on time.
1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
For programming project 2,
you will implement a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack on SSL, using
an SSL proxy server.
You will also implement a simple (command-line) administrative interface for
the proxy that will make use of password authentication.
Recall the security and privacy code of ethics! This project is for educational purposes only, and should never be used outside of this class.
1.2 Background
Recall that an eavesdropper on an SSL connection has little power
because of the encryption being used, but if an attacker is able to
trick the user into using the attacker's public key rather than
the intended receipient's, this security is lost.
While a real attacker would likely intercept and
manipulate the network packets direcly to implement this attack,
you will be making an
SSL proxy.
After a client (i.e., a web browser) is configured to make use of an SSL proxy, all client
SSL requests are intercepted by the proxy and relayed to the intended remote webserver.
After an initial plaintext proxy CONNECT request by the client, normally the proxy just forwards the encrypted data to the server.
However, instead of forwarding the initial request to the
remote server, your proxy will setup its own connection with the remote server and setup a connection to the client using its own certificate.
Then all traffic between the (client AND proxy) and
the (proxy AND web-server) is SSL encrypted, but with different keys.
This means that the proxy has
access to the plaintext data sent and received by the client.
Having the proxy use a single, fixed
SSL server certificate is not ideal, though, because modern web browsers check the common name
(CN) field of the certificate against the domain name of the remote server.
So, to mount a more
transparent MITM attack, the proxy will have to generate new server certificates on the fly, for
each new client request. Web browsers will still complain once
that the certificate is not trusted,
but if the user clicks past this warning, then the attacker wins.
You will be learning :
- keytool (command line utility) to generate and manage keys and certificates.
- IAIK-JCE APIs to create and sign certificates programmatically.
- JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) to do secure networking.
1.3 Requirements
We will provide you with code for a basic SSL proxy, and you will need to do the following :
- Build and use a public key infrastructure using X509 certificates.
- Modify the SSL proxy to dynamically generate new SSL server certificates, based on the
domain name of the requested remote web server.
- Implement password authentication, over an SSL connection, for a simple administrative
- Implement a challenge/response based user authentication scheme. (Extra Credit)
We will examine each of these features in detail below.
2 Description
2.1 Secure communication
You will be working with network sockets. The JCE provides an abstraction for secure sockets in the package and this relieves us from explicitly performing the key exchange, encryption
and integrity of the messages transferred over these sockets.
2.2 Public Key Infrastructure
2.2.1 Offline Key Generation
The SSL proxy has a public/private key pair which is generated offline using
keytool. The keytool
is used to generate a keystore for each entity in the system. Before the system is bootstrapped,
you will have to generate a public/private key pair for the SSL proxy. The public key of the proxy is self-signed.
2.2.2 Generating new server certificates
After connecting to a remote webserver, the proxy will have to create a new server certificate which
has the same common name (CN) field as the remote webserver's certificate. This new certificate
will then be presented to the client, for use in an SSL session. You will use classes from the IAIK
library to create and sign these new server certificates.
2.3 Password Authentication
In addition to implementing the MITM attack with the proxy server, you will implement a simple
remote administrative interface for the proxy server, which uses password authentication. This will
allow the hacker to remotely log into the server and issue commands. In order to ensure only those
users the attacker has authorized can log in, the interface will use password authentication. To
connect to the proxy server, the administrative program will setup an SSL connection to the proxy
server and transmit the hacker's username, password, and command. The proxy server maintains a
password file, which contains a list of authorized usernames and passwords, stored salted
and hashed. When the proxy receives a log in request, it should compare the hash of the received
password with the stored hash from the appropriate user, allowing the user to proceed if they
match, otherwise closing the connection. Once the admin client is authenticated, the appropriate
command should be executed.
You will need to implement the following commands:
- shutdown: shutdown the MITM proxy server
- stats: List how many requests were proxied
These should be easy commands to implement. The most important aspect
of this part of the assignment is handling user authentication.
2.4 Challenge/Response Authentication (Extra Credit)
For extra credit
you may implement a more sophistated challenge/response authentication method
along with the password authentication described above.
In this the proxy server will issue a
challenge to the user, which they must then answer with a response that proves their identity.
Several such methods exist, and we leave it to you to decide on the precise details of the method.
If you do choose to implement such a system, you should provide a brief explanation of it, and why
it provides a secure authentication mechanism.
2.5 System setup
There are four main types of entities in our system: the user's web browser, the remote webserver
the user is attempting to connect to, the proxy server intercepting the connection, and the administrative client to the proxy server. Once the proxy server is started and begins listening for
connections, the user's web browser should be configured to use an SSL proxy with the hostname
and port used by the MITMProxyServer. All SSL connections by the web browser will then be
routed through the proxy server. (You don't need to proxy non-SSL connections.)
When the browser attempts to make an SSL connection, the proxy will parse the CONNECT
request and make its own SSL connection to the requested server. The proxy will use the connection
to obtain the remote server's certificate. The proxy will then create a forged certificate which copies
the entries in the remote server's certificate (e.g., its Common Name).
The proxy then signs this
generated certificate with its self signed CA certificate (loaded from a keystore specified at startup).
It then passes this generated certificate back to the web browser, setting up an SSL connection
between itself and the browser. The proxy then passes data, which it of course sees in the clear,
between the two connections.
In addition to listening for connections from web browsers, the proxy server listens for connections from the admin client on a separate port.
When the admin client wants to connect to
the proxy server, it opens an SSL connection to the proxy on its hostname and admin port and
transmits a username and password. The proxy server then consults its password file (specified at
startup and stored on disk) and authenticates the user.
The password file should be encrypted using an authenticated encryption
scheme and a key derived from a separate password; the password should be specified on startup.
3 Implementation
We have provided you with starter code. The starter
code illustrates the basic socket and thread programming. See the following section for links of
tutorials on socket and thread programming.
In addition to Sun Java JCE library, you need
IAIK JCE extension library to create and sign X509 certificates.
The library is included in the starter code.
3.1 Description of the code
Here is a brief description of some of the starter code. The files you need to modify are in bold and have a * in front of them:
File |
Description |
* Makefile | Makefile for the project; modify this file to compile new classes that you add. |
* | Starts up the SSL proxy server. |
* | The core SSL proxy code. |
* | Used in the creation of new SSL sockets. |
* | Command line tool for remotely accessing the
proxy server. |
* | Creates connections with authorized admin clients. | | Logs the (plaintext) data exchanged between the client and remote webserver. | | Holds information about the two endpoints of a TCP connection. | | Blindly copies data from an InputStream to an OutputStream. | | Used to create unencrypted sockets, to handle the initial browser proxy CONNECT request. | | Abstract parent class of HTTPSProxyEngine. | | Copies data from an InputStream to an OutputStream, using a ProxyDataFilter to record the data thatŐs being streamed through. |
Of course, you can also add new files.
For example,, you will need to add a class which reads a file of
admin-client usernames and passwords, and generates
an encrypted
file using a key generated from
the proxy password. This class is run separately from the above framework and is needed to precompute the encrypted file which has a list of usernames and the corresponding authentication
3.2 Running the code
You should spend some time getting familiar with the provided framework and reading the comments in the starter code.
You will need to copy the cse490k-pp2.tar.gz file to your
account. You will also need to source setup.csh to set your path and classpath correctly.
3.3 Crypto Libraries and Documentation
In addition to and javax.crypto, some classes in
iaik.x509 and iaik.asn1.structures are
also needed to do certificate management.
Important note: We require that your submission work with the Java API version on the Linux machines in CSE 002, 006, and 022.
Also, use the version of the IAIK library provided by us.
(The names of the machines in the three labs are, garloff, hch, jgarzik, maxk, romieu, gregkh, herbert, ralf, tori, faith, linus, aliakc, ajk, davej, dwmw2, ehaase, marcel, ink, kas, mchehab, shemminger, starvik, tali, davem, mhw, philb, simon, sziwan, zippel, rmk, scottm, tigran, sfrench, and fubar. These machines are intended for the use of those sitting at their consoles.)
The following are some links to useful documentation :
Some classes/interfaces you may want to take a look at:
- iaik.x509.X509Certificate
- iaik.asn1.ASN1Ob ject
- iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID
- iaik.asn1.structures.Name
4 Other Information
4.1 Miscellaneous
- We strongly encourage you to use the class mailing list!
We encourage you to discuss socket programming, Java, SSL, Java and SSL,
etc. The goal is to learn as much as possible, and we firmly believe that people learn by both doing (this project) and by sharing ideas and thoughts with others.
- You may work in groups of up to three people. You can use the same groups as for Project 1. Or you can form new groups.
- Here's a website that you can test your SSL MITM proxy with:
- For more efficient testing, you could also use curl:
setenv HTTPS_PROXY localhost:8001
curl -k -v -G
Notice that the response from the website says "HTTPS on" (embedded in a whole bunch of formatting commands). But your SSL MITM proxy should have captured all the traffic between the website and curl.
4.2 Deliverables
In addition to your well-decomposed, well-commented solution to the assignment, you should submit
a README containing the names, UWNetIDs, and student numbers
of the people in your group.
In your README you should also include a description of your final design, as well as
any design choices that you made in implementing each of the required security
For easier testing, please include
- a sequence of steps which will be required to run your system.
- all the keystores you have created and list their names and passwords in the README.
- a copy of a proxy log file in your submit directory (take care not to leave any passwords or
credit card numbers in it!)
Finally, please write a short answer to this question:
How would you change a web browser to make it less likely that a user would be fooled by an
attack like the one you implemented?
This is an important question to ask because when dealing
with security, we never just build attacks we also need to think of ways to prevent them.
Turn in a .tar.gz of all your files online using the Catalyst system.
The turn-in URL is
This project was originally designed for Dan Boneh's
CS255 course at Stanford. Thanks Dan!