
Quizzes Overview

The quizzes are administered in-person during the scheduled Thursday lecture times (5-8 minutes of "buffer" time will be provided at the end to ease the time burden, depending on whether or not there is a class right afterward in the lecture hall). These are closed-book and closed-note, though scientific calculators may be allowed depending on the quiz contents (we will try to keep any necessary computations small).

Quiz 1: Thursday, April 4, 2024 (25 min at end of Lecture 4)

Quiz 2: Thursday, April 18, 2024 (30 min at end of Lecture 8)

Quiz 3: Thursday, May 2, 2024 (30 min at end of Lecture 12)

Quiz 4: Thursday, May 16, 2024 (40 min at end of Lecture 16)

Quiz 5: Thursday, May 23, 2024 (50 min at end of Lecture 18)

Quiz 1 Details

25 minutes at the end of Lecture 4.
Topics: FSM Design (pre-reqs, Lecture 2)

Quiz 1 Database

Spring 2024
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia
Spring 2023
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia

Quiz 2 Details

30 minutes at the end of Lecture 8.
Topics: Memory – ROM, RAM, register files (Lectures 3-4)

Quiz 2 Database

Spring 2024
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia
Spring 2023
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia

Quiz 3 Details

30 minutes at the end of Lecture 12.
Topics: ASM and ASMD charts (Lectures 5-7)

Quiz 3 Database

Spring 2024
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia
Spring 2023
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia

Quiz 4 Details

40 minutes at the end of Lecture 16.
Topics: Algorithms to Datapath (Lectures 8-10)

Quiz 4 Database

Spring 2024
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia
Spring 2023
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia

Quiz 5 Details

50 minutes at the end of Lecture 18.
Topics: Static Timing Analysis, Pipelining, Clock Domain Crossing (Lectures 11-13)

Quiz 5 Database

Spring 2024
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia
Spring 2023
Quiz   |   Solutions   |   Hsia