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PH => Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design [Appendix A]

SGG => Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Operating System Concepts

Date Lecture Reading

28-MarM Introduction [pdf] PH: ch 1
30-MarM Computer Instructions [pdf] PH: ch 1
4-AprM Decisions (Testing and Branching) [pdf]
6-AprW Procedures [pdf]
7-AprW Addressing [pdf]
8-AprW Linking [pdf]
10-AprW Pipelining [pdf]
13-AprW Cache [pdf]
Processes [pdf]
Threads [pdf]
Syncronization [pdf]
Semaphores and Monitors [pdf]
Memory [pdf]
Demand Paging [pdf]
Files [pdf]

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