CSE 331 22wi Exam Information


The midterm exam for both lectures will be held Tuesday, February 8, from 5 to 6 pm. in Kane 110 and CSE2 G01. Before the exam, information about who should go to each room will be posted. We've reserved the rooms for a bit longer in case the exam turns out to be a bit too long and a few extra minutes will help make it a fairer test. But the intent is for it to take only one hour.

The midterm may include questions about anything covered in class up through lectures on “identity, equals, and hashcode,” the corresponding section material, homeworks 1-4, and possibly a few questions on the readings associated with lectures. The exam will be closed book and closed notes, except that you can bring one 5x8 index card with whatever hand-written notes you wish written on both sides. Blank index cards will be handed out in class the week before the exam so you won't need to buy a big packet of cards only to use one or two of them.

This quarter's midterm:  exam  sample solution


The final exam for both lectures will be held Tuesday, March 15, from 12:30-2:20pm, also in Kane 110 and CSE2 G01. All lecture, section, homework, and reading material from the quarter are possible topics, but there will be somewhat more emphasis on things covered in class after the midterm.

As with the midterm, the exam will be closed book, closed notes, except that you may bring two (2) 5x8 index cards with whatever hand-written notes you wish on both sides of the cards. You can either bring the notecard from the midterm plus a new one for the final, or two new notecards written for the final.

This quarter's final:  exam  sample solution

Old Exams

Coverage: The overlap between previous offerings of the course and this quarter isn't always exact so you should ignore questions about topics we haven't covered. In some quarters, the second exam was a full-length final exam, in others it was a second exam intended to be the same difficulty as the midterm.

Suggestion: Don't try these exams until after you've done most of your studying. Then use them as a check for how well you are prepared by first working the problems using blank exams and then checking your answers against the sample solutions.

Instructor style: Different instructors tend to have slightly different styles in how they write questions and organize exams. Your 22wi instructor wrote/edited the exams for 20wi, 19sp, 19su, and many other quarters. The course has evolved over the years in various ways.

You should also watch for differences and sometimes outright bugs in the way topics are treated in old exams compared to this quarter. In many quarters, for instance, it was fine to weaken postconditions in forward-reasoning problems, while this quarter that generally shouldn't be done (and any related exam questions should specify precisely what is expected). Similarly there may be some bugs in weaker/stronger questions about assertions or specifications. If you spot any problems or have questions, please post something on the discussion board.

Old midterms:  20wi (solution)  19au (solution)  19su (solution)  19sp (solution)  18wi (solution)
Older midterms:  17sp (solution)  16au (solution)  16sp (solution)  15au (solution)  15sp (solution)  15wi (solution)

Old finals:  20wi no exam (covid)  19au (solution)  19su (solution)  19sp (solution)  18wi (solution)
Older finals:  17sp (solution)  16au (solution)  16sp (solution)  15au (solution)  15sp (solution)  15wi (solution)