CSE 331 Winter 2012
Lecture Topics

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January 4 Overview slides
January 6 Reasoning about code notes from lectures and sections
January 9 Loops and invariants
January 11 Loop development and proofs
January 13 Loop development wrapup notes from lectures and sections
Specifications slides
January 18 No lecture - UW closed (snow)
January 20 No lecture - UW closed (snow, ice, floods, ...)
January 23 Specifications (concl.)
January 25 Data abstraction(ADTs) slides   Ernst's AF/RI notes from Wi11
January 27 ADT examples and recap slides
January 30 Testing slides
February 1 testing (concl.)
Interfaces slides
February 3 Class design and style slides
February 6 Style (concl.)
Exceptions and assertions (start) slides
February 8 Exceptions (concl.)
February 10 Events and callbacks slides
February 15 Events (concl.)
Equality slides
February 17 Equality (concl.)
Subclasses and subtyping slides
February 22 Midterm return, Subclasses (concl.), Debugging (start) slides
February 24 Debugging (concl.)
February 27 Usability slides
February 29 Design patterns 1 slides
March 2 Design patterns 2 slides
March 5 Design patterns (concl.); Generics slides
March 7 Generics (concl.); Reasoning about ADTs slides
March 9 ADT reasoning (concl.) Course wrapup slides