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 CSE 484 / CSE M 584: Computer Security (Winter 2011)
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The list of readings for each class and other extra information below.

Guest Lecture (March 11, 2011)

Topic: Security Analyses: Ian Gallagher

Slides: None

Required reading: ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

Lecture 19 (March 9, 2011)

Topic: Network Security

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Guest Lecture (March 7, 2011)

Topic: Anonymity: Jacob Appelbaum

Slides: None

Required reading: None

Guest Lecture (March 4, 2011)

Topic: Mobile Privacy: Jaeyeon Jung

Slides: None

Required reading: None

Lecture 18 (March 2, 2011)

Topic: Asymmetrics Cryptography

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Lecture 17 (Feb 28, 2011)

Topic: Asymmetrics Cryptography

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Guest Lecture (Feb 25, 2011)

Topic: Botnets: John P. John.

Slides: None

Required reading: None

Guest Lecture (Feb 23, 2011)

Topic: Trusted Computing: Bryan Parno.

Slides: None

Required reading: None

Lecture 16 (Feb 18, 2011)

Topic: Asymmetrics Cryptography

Slides: here.

Required reading: Ferguson et al, Chapters 10, 11, 12. (I don't expect you to read all of this before class, but you should plan to read these chapters over the next few weeks.)

Lecture 15 (Feb 16, 2011)

Topic: Human Aspects.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Lecture 14 (Feb 14, 2011)

Topic: User Authentication.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Guest Lecture (Feb 11, 2011)

Topic: Security in Practice: Jon McClintock.

Slides: None

Required reading: None

Lecture 13 (Feb 9, 2011)

Topic: User Authentication.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Lecture 12 (Feb 7, 2011)

Topic: Web Security.

Slides: here.

Required reading: Daswani et al, Chapters 7, 8, 10.

Lecture 11 (Feb 4, 2011)

Topic: Cryptography + Web Security.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Lecture 10 (Feb 2, 2011)

Topic: Cryptography and Physical Security.

Slides: None..

Required reading: No Tech Hacking Video

Lecture 9 (Jan 31, 2011)

Topic: Cryptography.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

No Class (Jan 28, 2011)

Lecture 8 (Jan 26, 2011)

Topic: Cryptography.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Lecture 7 (Jan 24, 2011)

Topic: Cryptography.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None

Guest Lecture (Jan 21, 2011)

Topic: Whitebox Fuzz Testing: David Molnar.

Slides: TBD

Required reading: None

Section (Jan 20, 2011)

Topic: History of Cryptography

Slides: here.

Lecture 6 (Jan 19, 2011)

Topic: Cryptography.

Slides: here.

Required reading: Ferguson et al, Chapter 2. (This is an overview of cryptography -- please try to read before class.)

Required reading: Ferguson et al, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. (I don't expect you to read all of this before class, but you should plan to read these chapters over the next few weeks.)

Lecture 5 (Jan 14, 2011)

Topic: Software Security + Intro to Cryptography.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None.

Lecture 4 (Jan 12, 2011)

Topic: Software Security.

Slides: here.

Recommended reading (for project): Aleph One, Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit. Text file available here: stack.txt.

Recommened reading (for project): scut / team teso, Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities. PDF available here: formatstrings.pdf. Also this can be helpful: http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2000/Sep/214.

Recommended reading (for project): Chien and Szor, Blended Attacks. PDF available here: http://www.peterszor.com/blended.pdf.

Lecture 3 (Jan 10, 2011)

Topic: Software Security.

Slides: here.

Required reading: Daswani et al, Chapters 1, 2, and 3. (Note: The book switches the definition of false positive and false negative at the top of page 11.) (This does not need to be read by class today, but should be read over the first few weeks of the course.)

Guest Lecture (Jan 7, 2011)

Guest Lecture: David Aucsmith.

Required reading: Ferguson et al, Chapter 1. (This does not need to be read by class today, but should be read over the first few weeks of the course.)

Lecture 2 (Jan 5, 2011)

Topic: Introduction (continued).

Slides: here.

Required reading: None.

Lecture 1 (Jan 3, 2011)

Topic: Introduction.

Slides: here.

Required reading: None.

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