Lectures: |
MWF 12:30-1:30 |
CSE2 G01 |
Section AA: |
TH 01:30-02:20 |
MEB 242 |
Section AB: |
TH 02:30-03:20 |
MEB 242 |
Section AC: |
TH 03:30-04:20 |
MEB 242 |
Who |
Office Hours |
Kurtis Heimerl, Professor
kheimerl at cs.washington.edu
W 1:30-2:20 pm
CSE2 359
Matt Johnson, Instructor
matt9j at cs.washington.edu
M 11:30-12:30 in CSE2 153
Rescheduled M11/11->F11/15 and M12/2->F12/6 11:30-12:25 in CSE2 152
Devon Chen, Instructor
zetiac at cs.washington.edu
Th 10:00-11:00 in CSE 220
Josh Curtis, Instructor
curtijd at cs.washington.edu
Th 11:00-12:00 in CSE2 150
Chenyang Fang, Instructor
chenyf at cs.washington.edu
T 3:00-4:00 pm in CSE2 153
Please send general questions about homeworks, projects etc. to all the course staff
Class mailing list |
The class email is cse461a_au19@uw.edu. It's updated
nightly from the official registration list, and uses your u.wash email
address. |
The midterm will be during class, from 12:30-1:20, on Monday November 4th.
The final will be on Thursday, Dec. 12th, 8:30-10:20 am, in CSE2 G01.
Note that homeworks and projects run concurrently and are due at 11 pm on the due date.
Sample Midterm
Winter 2017 Sample Midterm
Lecture Slides
Course Introduction
History of Networking
Physical Layer pt. 1
Physical Layer pt. 2
Link Layer pt. 1
Link Layer pt. 2
Network Layer pt. 1 (IP)
Network Layer pt. 2 (Routing)
Transport (TCP/UDP/Basics)
Application (DNS, Caching, HTTP, CDNs)
Security (Encryption, Certificates)
Section Slides
Week 2 Section Link Layer
Week 3 Section Mininet
Week 5 Midterm Review
Week 7 Proxy
Last quiz Review