A mred:panel% is a panel which can function inside a mred:frame%, a mred:dialog-box%, or a mred:panel%. It places all children at their default positions and sizes them to their minimum size (as described by the mred:child-info struct returned by get-info in mred:panel%, get-info in mred:button%, get-info in mred:check-box%, get-info in mred:choice%, get-info in mred:gauge%, get-info in mred:list-box%, get-info in mred:message%, get-info in mred:radio-box%, get-info in mred:slider%, get-info in mred:text%, get-info in mred:multi-text%, get-info in mred:canvas%, get-info in mred:media-canvas%, or get-info in mred:text-window%. Panels are stretchable in both directions by default.
Children can be instances of
This class is not intended to be instantiated directly; it is provided as a base for deriving other, more interesting classes.
Calls wx:panel%'s super-init.
If parent is an instance of mred:frame% or mred:dialog-box%, calls parent's insert-panel method on itself. Otherwise, it calls parent's add-child method on itself.