Lecture Slides

Course Overview (ppt, pdf, ps) - from 06/25/2003.

Propositional Logic Notes (pdf, ps) (notes are from Steven A. Cook at Univ. of Toronto)

7/9/2003 Lecture Outline (ppt, pdf, ps) - contains an outline of the lecture with the major ideas and notation.

7/16/2003 Lecture Outline (ppt, pdf, ps) - contains an outline of the lecture with the major ideas and notation.

7/23/2003 Lecture Outline (ppt, pdf, ps) - contains an outline of the lecture with the major ideas and notation.

7/30/2003 Lecture Outline (ppt, pdf, ps) - contains an outline of the lecture with the major ideas and notation.

8/6/2003 Lecture Outline (ppt, pdf, ps) - contains an outline of the lecture with the major ideas and notation. Also, you'll need this Promela Language Manual for discussing the SPIN model checker's input language, Promela in lecture. I will bring along hard copies of this manual to lecture.

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