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Superclass: mred:menu-frame%

mred:standard-menus-frame% provides standard menus that applications which deal with files should have. It provides a File menu, an Edit menu and a Windows menu. The File menu has Open..., New..., Revert, Save, Save As..., and Close. The Edit menu has Undo, Redo, cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear. The Windows menu has one menu item for each window that is open. The mred:frame-group% bound to mred:the-frame-group maintains the Windows menu for each frame that is in the group.

The relevant instance variables for the file menu are:

The relevant instance variables for the edit menu are:

The relevant instance variables for the help menu are:

This class is incomplete. If you want to use it you should create a class which inherits from mred:standard-menus-frame% and provides callbacks for the menus. Only the file-menu:new, file-menu:open, file-menu:open-url, file-menu:close, file-menu:quit, edit-menu:preferences, and help-menu:about callbacks do anything by default.


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