CSEP590SG PMP Distributed Systems: paper reviews

On this page I'll be collecting all the paper-review related stuff for the class. This may include notes from time to time, as well as sample reviews. There are two sorts of sample reviews here: those labeled just "Sample review" I've culled from your submissions (and anonymized), plus I've included some of my own reviews of the papers.

I have somewhat mixed feelings about including my own reviews here. I don't necessarily want to recommend my style of review; I am far more wordy than I expect (or really want) of you, and I tend to focus on only what I find interesting and exciting, often to the detriment of the basics, but, narcissist that I am, I thought you might like to see what I thought of some of these papers.


Technical details

Some notes on submitting reviews, in no particular order. Some of these are things you have asked about, and some are things that I was reminded of while reading. More general instructions on writing reviews, and what makes a good review, can be found here.

Intro, Name Systems

Synchronization and snapshots

Process groups

Byzantine generals, Paxos

Fault tolerance, recovery