CSE/EE 577 Notes: Spring 2005

Date Notes in PPT Notes in PDF Additional Notes
March 28

March 30
Lucas-Kanade-1981 Lucas-Kanade Today from 576 Harris Corner Detector
Lucas-Kanade-1981 Lucas-Kanade Today from 576 Harris Corner Detector

April 4
Ming Ye's Work
Ming Ye's Work

April 6

April 11: Jiun-Hung
Mohan and Poggio paper
Mohan and Poggio paper
One slide on Rowley's Face Detection
April 13: Pat
Kadir and Brady paper
Kadir and Brady paper
Jenny's Results
April 18: Dustin
Mikolajczyk and Schmid paper
Mikolajczyk and Schmid paper

April 20: Miao
Lowe paper
Lowe paper

April 25: Jeff
Fergus paper
Fergus paper

April 27: Enrique
Dorko and Schmid paper
Dorko and Schmid paper

May 2: Indri
Sivic paper
Sivic paper

May 4: Linda
Yi Li's ICPR 2004 slides Yi Li's new work
Yi Li's ICPR 2004 slides Yi Li's new work

May 9: Dieter Fox
Bayes Filters Lecture
Bayes Filters Lecture

May 11: Linda
Eigenimages; Yi's Localization
Eigenimages; Yi's Localization

May 16: Project Day

May 18: Linda
Wang and Adelson: Motion Layers
Wang and Adelson: Motion Layers

May 23: Masa
Motion Detection in UAV videos

May 25: Linda
Cohen and Medioni: Detecting and Tracking
Cohen and Medioni: Detecting and Tracking

June 1: Enrolled Students
Project Presentations