Note: unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59pm.
Homework 1 - Individual Assignment
The first written homework is due Friday April 6.
You will submit your answers via practice-it.
Due Friday April 6.
The selection form is due Thursday April 5.
Part 1 is due Friday April 13.
Part 2 is due Friday April 20.
Homework 3 - Individual Assignment
The second written homework is due Friday May 25.
With the exception of Question 1, You will submit your answers in PDF format on Canvas.
The selection form is due Friday, May 4.
This is a one-part project. The entire project is due on Friday May 4.
The selection form is due Fri, May 11.
Part 1 is due Fri, May 11.
Parts 2a and 2b are due Fri, May 18.
Homework 6 - Individual Assignment
The third written homework is due Friday May 25.
The partner selection form is due Fri, June 1.
This is a one-part project. The entire project is due on Fri, June 1.
Please make sure you're aware of the following policies:
You may also want to read through the section of the syllabus discussing general expectations (and the regrading policy), our extra credit policies and on how to get help.