In this project, you will:
This assignment has two parts. Part 1 is due on Friday April 13 at 11:59pm and part 2 is due on Friday April 20 at 11:59pm.
Here are some baseline expectations we expect you to meet:
Follow the course collaboration policies
DO NOT use any classes from
. There are only two exceptions to this rule:
You may import and use java.util.Iterator
You may import and use anything from java.util.*
within your testing code.
DO NOT modify instructor-provided code (unless told otherwise)
In this document, you will run into a few blue boxes. You can collapse and expand blue boxes by clicking on the title.
For example:
The project is split into three parts. Part 0 contains setup instructions but has no programming and no deliverables.
You'll be writing code in parts 1 and 2. These parts will build on each other, so be sure to start early and do a good job on part 1 so you don't run into issues when starting part 2.
No due date/no deliverables
Part 0.5: Find a partner
Due Thursday April 5 at 11:59pm
Once you've found a partner, both you and your partner should fill out the partner selection form.
Part 1: Testing, doubly linked lists and basic dictionaries
Due Friday April 13 at 11:59pm
Part 2: Abstract syntax trees and recursion
Due Friday April 20 at 11:59pm
Due Friday April 20 at 11:59pm