On the origins of the course.
The overall course philosophy arises most directly from Josh Hug, John DeNero, and Dan Garcia. The majority of the assignments, lecture schedule, lecture content, exam emphases, and policies of this course inherit from Data Structures (CS 61B) offered at UC Berkeley. The course also draws assignments and examples from Algorithms and Data Structures (COS 226) offered at Princeton as well as our textbooks, Algorithms, 4th edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne and The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena. Pedagogical choices as well as some lecture content inherit from Advanced Data Structures at UCSD.
This philosophy shares some similarities with recent offerings of CSE 332 developed by Adam Blank and Ruth Anderson as well as the teaching staff and students who have helped to refine the learning experience.
The theme for the course website is based on Just the Class, a derivative of Just the Docs by Patrick Marsceill.