Specification: | |
Resources: |
(NOTE: Your pages do not need to output exactly this same HTML content. We're just providing it as a template and a starting point. Your HTML can have other elements and styling, as described in the spec.) |
Expected Output: |
(NOTE: You do not need to match these expected outputs exactly, other than the blue top/bottom bars. The main central content can look however you want, as long as you have the functionality and behavior described in the spec. Have fun and be creative!) |
FAQ and Links: |
Specification: | |
Resources: |
Expected Output: | |
FAQ and Links: |
Specification: | |
Resources: |
Expected Output: |
FAQ and Links: |
Specification: | |
Resources: |
Expected Output: | |
FAQ and Links: |
Specification: | |
Resources: |
Expected Results: |
(Your page does not need to exactly match these images; see spec. But your query results should be the same.)
FAQ and Links: |
Specification: | |
Resource Files: |
Expected Output: |
FAQ and Links: |
Extra Features: |
Extra Features, Expected Output: |
Specification: | |
Resource Files: |
Expected Output: | |
FAQ and Links: |
Specification: | |
Resource Files: |
Expected Output: | |
FAQ and Links: |
Spec: | |
Expected Output: |
FAQ and Links: |