Reading reviews

Students must hand in a short review of every paper that is assigned. To help us take the best advantage of our short time together in lecture, reading a lecture's papers and doing the reviews must be completed before the lecture. Each review consists of the following parts:

Lecture 2 - Problem frames

Lecture 3 - Introduction to Alloy

Lecture 4 - Alloy case studies

Lecture 5 - Introduction to Spin

Lecture 6 - Spin case studies

Lecture 7 - Process calculi and refinement

Lecture 8 - Practice using refinement

Lecture 9 - Hoare logic, weakest preconditions 1

Lecture 10 - Hoare logic, weakest preconditions 2

Lecture 11 - ESC/Java, JML

Lecture 12 - Modules and decomposition

Lecture 13 - Crosscutting concerns

Lecture 14 - Software architecture

Lecture 15 - Design patterns

Lecture 16 - Implicit invocation

Lecture 17 - Testing 1

Lecture 18 - Testing 2