CSE 503 Autumn 2011
Course Calendar

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26 27 28 29
HW1 out
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Introduction; static and dynamic analysis; teaser for abstract interpretation

03 04
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Abstract interpretation; read abstract syntax tree, control flow graph, 3-address form, first two sections of Abstract Interpretation: a semantics-based tool for program analysis, by Neil Jones and Flemming Nielson
05 06
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Abstract interpretation; read Abstract interpretation: a unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of fixpoints, by Patrick Cousot and Radhia Cousot, in POPL 1977.
10 11
Proposal due
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Abstract interpretation wrapup
12 13
Proposal approval
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Dynamic analysis; read "Simplifying and isolating failure-inducing input", by Andreas Zeller and Ralf Hildebrandt, in TSE 2002. (Optional related reading: "Locating causes of program failures", ICSE 2005.)
17 18
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Dynamic analysis. Read "DART: Directed automated random testing", by Patrice Godefroid, Nils Klarlund, and Koushik Sen, in 2005. Read "Efficient path profiling", by Thomas Ball and James R. Larus, in MICRO 29.
19 20
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Type inference. Read lambda calculus. Read "Principal type-schemes for functional programs" by Luis Damas and Robin Milner, in POPL 1982. (There is a typo in Algorithm W part (ii): on the second line, e2 and t2 should be e1 and t1. "e2" and "t2" are correct on third line.) Read Chapter 30 (book pages 273-283, which are pages 289-299 in the PDF) of Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi.
24 25
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Dynamic analysis. Read "Dynamically discovering likely program invariants to support program evolution" by Michael D. Ernst, Jake Cockrell, William G. Griswold, and David Notkin, in TSE 2001 (skim sections 5-8; read the rest more carefully). Presenter: Jochen Wuttke.
26 27 28
Related work and methodology due
31 01
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Non-standard type inference. Read "Lackwit: A Program Understanding Tool Based on Type Inference", by Robert O'Callahan and Daniel Jackson, in ICSE 1997. Read "Dynamic inference of abstract types" by Philip J. Guo, Jeff H. Perkins, Stephen McCamant, and Michael D. Ernst, in ISSTA 2006. (The latter is essentially the Lackwit paper, implemented dynamically rather than statically.) Read "Finding User/Kernel Pointer Bugs With Type Inference", by Robert T. Johnson and David Wagner, in USENIX Security, 2004.
02 03
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Slicing. Read "Program slicing" by Mark Weiser, in ICSE 1981.

07 08
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Model checking. Read "The Model Checker SPIN", by Gerard J. Holzmann, in IEEE TSE 23(5), 1997.
09 10
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Slicing. Read Debugging Reinvented: Asking Why and Answering Why and Why Not Questions About Program Behavior by Andrew J. Ko and Brad A. Myers, in ICSE '08. Read Summarized Trace Indexing And Querying For Scalable Back-In-Time Debugging, by Guillaume Pothier and Éric Tanter, in ECOOP 2011.
Veterans Day
14 15 16 17 18
Initial results due
21 22
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Slicing. Read "Cost Effective Dynamic Program Slicing", by Xiangyu Zhang and Rajiv Gupta, in PLDI 2004. Read "Thin slicing", by Manu Sridharan, Stephen J. Fink and Ras Bodik, in PLDI 2007.
23 24
28 29
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Model checking. Read "Using predicate abstraction to reduce object-oriented programs for model checking", by William Visser, SeungJoon Park, and John Penix, in Third Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Practice, 2000. Read "Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement", by Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Helmut Veith, in CAV 2000.
30 01
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Model checking. Read "CMC: a pragmatic approach to model checking real code" by Madanlal Musuvathi, David Y. W. Park, Andy Chou, Dawson R. Engler, and David L. Dill, in OSDI 2002. Read "Finding and Reproducing Heisenbugs in Concurrent Programs" by Madanlal Musuvathi, Shaz Qadeer, Thomas Ball, Gerard Basler, Piramanayagam Arumuga Nainar, and Iulian Neamtiu, in OSDI 2008.

05 06
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Verification. Read "Verification of object-oriented programs with invariants" by Mike Barnett, Robert DeLine, Manuel Fahndrich, K. Rustan M. Leino, and Wolfram Schulte, in JOT, 2004.
07 08
11:00-12:00 Office hours
CSE 562
12:00-13:20 Lecture
EEB 042
Verification. Read "Automated deduction for verification" by Natarajan Shankar, in Computing Surveys, 2009.
Final report due
12 13 14 15