Deliverables and Tasks

Kickstarter style webpage for each team:

Each team is required to create a webpage that will include all the material created throughout the quarter. Every deliverable will be linked from your webpage. Teams can use any hosting service they like. The style should be like on Kickstarter, e.g., Keep the website simple so it easy for us to navigate.

Make sure to document everything and put it on the website (notes, pictures, videos, etc), and send us the link that we can add to the course webpage.

Weekly Blogs:

Each team is required to maintain a blog on their team webpage. You will be required to update it on a weekly basis (due Thursday at 23:59). This should include your designs, notes for that week, your status, your plan for that week, what each team member is doing, etc. These will be graded weekly.

Project Pitch and Proposal:

After forming your team, you will be required to come up with a project proposal. Your proposal must include the following details: the problem space and applications (why do we care?), example scenarios, related technology (if applicable), potential solutions, and a resource budget.

You will present your project idea for feedback, which should be a 10 minute presentation. Sign up for a 20 min slot here: (10 min presentation and 10 min feedback from instructors and TAs)

Location: CSE 403

Written Project Proposal (includes the feedback from the presentation) should be uploaded to your webpage by April 7, 23:59.

Product Requirments Document (PRD):

After firming up the project idea, each team will be required to create a product requirements document (PRD) that details all the various aspects of your project. This includes a one paragraph summary of the project (basically summarize your project proposal), deliverables (what are you going to show at the end), the critical features, any performance metrics, milestones, responsibilities of each team member, materials and outside help needed, budget, risks, and how risks will be addressed. You will be asked to do this very early in the class and then update your PRD throughout the quarter. We will use the RPD to see how your end product matches your PRD, so make sure to keep it up to date. Your PRD should be on your website.

PRD template:

Weekly meeting with staff:

You will meet for 15 min weekly with the instructors in SIEG 322. Every Wednesday between 1:30 - 4:30.

Week 7 Progress report to the class:

Each team will do a 10 min presentation to the class during lecture time.

Peer reviews

You will be conducting two teammate group peer reviews during the quarter.

Final Demos Rehearsal
CSE Atrium, Thursday, June 2nd, tentatively 4-8PM
Demo Videos
Wednesday, June 8th, by midnight
Final Demos
CSE Atrium, Thursday, June 9th, 4:30-6:30
Plan to be in the atrium TWO HOURS prior for setup (2:30PM)
Final Reviews
Peer review, Friday, June 10th, 2PM