Lecture Notes and Applets

Each lecture is provided in PDF format. In addition, the "extras" column contains links to relevant web pages and applets.

Warning: Many of the applets require a Java plugin to work correctly in your browser.

Lecture Slides Additional Handouts Extras
Course overview slides 
Displays and framebuffers slides  Vector Displays, Raster Displays
LCD Displays, OLED Displays
LCD Monitor Deconstruction (YouTube)
Image processing slides  Image processing text Continuous 1D Convolution
Discrete 1D convolution, Snoop (Win, Mac, Linux), YIQ filtering
Affine transformations slides  Change of basis, Affine Transformation Game, Reflections and Chiral Centers
Hierarchical modeling slides  Hierarchy of transformations,
Robot Arm Example
Surfaces of revolution slides 
Shading slides  OpenGL shading applet,
Szymon's BRDF viewer
Texture mapping slides  Marble Applet,
Projections slides  Hitchcock Effect
Ray tracing,
Accelerated ray tracing
slides  Ray tracing text, Triangle intersections Photon Mapping, Reflection/Refraction Applet
Monte Carlo ray tracing
slides  Nyquist Limit
Parametric curves slides  Curve Demos, De Casteljau Demo, Bezier Curves,
Curve Interpolation,
C2 interpolating curves
Bezier and Spline Curves (Interactive Web App)
Particle Systems slides  Differential equation basics,
Particle system dynamics
Particle-Dreams, Cloth, Fish, Snake, Cloth Demo
Parametric surfaces slides  Bezier patch interactive demonstration
Animation principles slides  Lasseter paper on animation principles Perlin Walkers, Pixar Shorts
Final exam notes