People have long sought to better understand themselves, but recently technology advances enable new approaches. Projects explored opportunities and challenges in self-tracking, also known as personal informatics:
Personal informatics systems are systems that help people collect personally relevant information for the purpose of self-reflection and gaining self-knowledge.
Self-tracking and personal informatics are closely related to the Quantified Self movement, which emphasizes:
Self-knowledge through numbers.
As a focus for Autumn 2017, students were asked to explore tracking beyond the self. Instead of limiting self-tracking to dashboards for an isolated self-analyst, we asked students to consider the many different ways people might gather and interact around personal data. Students have examined the problems people encounter, then explored how new technology design help people in using data to reach their goals.
Please join us for a poster session celebrating the outstanding design work of CSE 440 students:
Thursday, December 14, 2017
11:15 am to 12:15pm, CSE Atrium