Also see the current announcements.
Assignment 6a, Beta Release Evaluation, has been released. It is due on Tuesday, May 16 (but we recommend that you complete it sooner than that).
Assignment 7, Feature Complete Release, has been released. It is due on Friday, May 20.
The midterm exam solutions have been released. The mean was 54 and the standard deviation was 17. If your score was more than 1 standard deviation below the mean, you should be concerned.
The exam on Friday will cover material in lecture through Monday, May 2. It will not cover the parts of the Friday, April 29 design patterns lecture that we did not get to in class.
There will be an exam review on Wednesday in class. The staff will not prepare material, but will answer questions raised by the class.
The Thursday section is reserved for SDS re-presentations. These should reflect your current design, not the design that was current as of your original SDS presentation. If your group is re-presenting, the entire group should attend. Attendance is optional for groups that are not presenting. In addition to your written feedback, Michael Ernst's verbal comments appear at the end of assignment 4.
Project management is new to the people who are serving as PMs this quarter. Each of you has had successes and struggles. I propose that the PMs get together to discuss their experiences. This will let them share wisdom, and get tips and advice from others. If you are a PM and are interested in this, then please fill out the Doodle at to help choose a time. One person per group, please.
The staff has decided to ask for a more direct level of feedback from you (the students). This is an optional activity, will have no grade, and will result in no feelings being hurt. We are looking to hear back from you about how you feel the course has been going so far and what changes you would like to see for the remainder. If you don't have any feedback then we will assume that you are happy with how everything is going. Please plan to give your feedback to us during your group meeting with your TA this week (if you haven't already).
If you plan to give your SDS presentation another try, please let us know tonight so that we can plan accordingly and so that you will have enough time to prepare. These presentations will take place in section on Thursday.
Grades have been posted to Catalyst. Let us know if there are any mistakes.
The quick startup guide for Crystal has been posted.
The calendar has been updated with a midterm exam on Friday, May 6.
If your group wishes to re-present its design presentation, it may do so next week in class, using possibly-updated slides. This is entirely optional, and you should weigh it against other work you can be doing. If you wish to do so, then the staff will replace your first presentation grade by the second one. If you want to do this, your group must inform the staff by Monday, May 2 at 5pm.
Please note that we will have lecture during half of tomorrow's section time-slot, i.e., from 9:30am to 10:00am in EEB 037. For the rest of the class hour, we encourage you to work with your teammates and customers to design your paper prototype, in preparation for Friday's activity.
The prompt for Reading #3 has been posted. Your response is due Wednesday, preferably before lecture.
Assignment 3 has been released. (You'll get half the class on Thursday to work at at time that your group is guaranteed to be able to meet, but should also meet separately.)
We posted some student quotes from previous quarters to motivate (1) learning your version control system's merge tools, and (2) using the Crystal tool for predicting/preventing version control conflicts.
We have updated the assignments webpage with the summary that was discussed in lecture today. Let us know if there are any further questions.
We have updated a tools requirement: your mailing list and archives must be accessible to course staff.
Project groups have been formed. Your group should meet tomorrow. You may meet with your group anywhere that you like; EEB 037 is available, but you are welcome to use other locations. You don't have to meet at 9:30am on Tuesdays; you can pick other time(s), but you have no excuse for not choosing a time that all group members can attend.
Assignment 2, your requirements document, has been released.
To give you more time to self-select a group, the due date for ranking proposals has been changed to 2:00pm on Monday, April 4.
Only 15 people have responded to the office hours poll so far, and the most popular times are currently 3:30pm on Thursday and Friday. If you haven't voted yet, please do so now so that we can better accommodate your preferences!
If you have a question that you think would be of interest to everyone in the class, please send it to the course forum instead of to the TA mailing list.
Submissions for Assignment #1 have been posted in the order they will be presented. Please read the submissions, discuss them with your prospective teammates, and rank them.
Rather than sending your project pairs to the staff mailing list, please update the wiki. Come to EEB 037 at 9:30am Tuesday if you have not updated the wiki with a pair before then.
We have revised the due date for Assignment 1 to 11:59pm on Wednesday night.
The course website is live. Material will continue to be added to it.