If label is not null, it will be used as the gauge label; otherwise the gauge will not have a label. The label string can mark a character of the label as the Windows shortcut by preceding the key with an ampersand (``&''). Ampersands are stripped from label before it is used as a label. Double ampersands are converted to a single (unstripped) ampersand.
The range argument is an integer specifying the maximum value of the gauge (inclusive). The minimum guage value is always 0.
The parameters x and y are used to specify an absolute position for the gauge within the panel; if -1 is provided, a default position will be assigned such that the gauge is placed next to the last item inserted into the panel. If width or height is -1, an appropriate size will be used for the gauge based on the parent client area.
The style argument may be wx:const-horizontal for a horizontal gauge, or wx:const-vertical for a vertical gauge.
The name argument is used to associate a name with the gauge, allowing the application user to set X Windows resource values for each individual gauge.