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Sets the size and/or position of a window.
Under X Windows, the size does not include a title bar or borders for
a frame/dialog added by the window manager. However, the position
corresponds to the actual top-left of the frame/dialog including
window manager decorations.
See also
get-size and
- (send a-wx:window set-size x y width height flags) -> void
x : small integer
y : small integer
width : small integer
height : small integer
flags = wx:const-size-auto : small integer
Moves the window to (x, y) (in the window's parent's
coordinates, or in screen coordinates for a frame or dialog) and
sets the window size to width by height pixels.
With the default value of flags, when -1 is supplied for
x or y, the window's position is not changed in the
corresponding direction.
The flags argument can be any of:
- wx:const-size-auto -- if -1 is supplied for
width or height, the width/height is reset to a default
- wx:const-size-auto-width -- if -1 is supplied for
width, the width is reset to a default width; if -1
is supplied for height, the height is not changed
- wx:const-size-auto-height -- if -1 is supplied for
height, the height is reset to a default height; if -1
is supplied for width, the width is not changed
- wx:const-size-use-existing -- if -1 is
supplied for width or height, the width/height is not
- wx:const-pos-use-minus-one -- if -1 is
supplied for x or x, the position is actually set to
-1 in the corresponding direction; this flag can be combined
(using bitwise-or) with any of the other flags