Java Platform 1.2 Beta 4 |
Packages that use JComponent | |
com.sun.java.swing | Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java |
com.sun.java.swing.event | Provides for events fired by Swing components. |
com.sun.java.swing.plaf | Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. |
com.sun.java.swing.table | Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with java.awt.swing. |
com.sun.java.swing.text | Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. |
com.sun.java.swing.tree | Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with java.awt.swing. |
Uses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing |
Subclasses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing | |
Defines the common behaviors for the JButton, JToggleButton, JCheckbox, and the JRadioButton classes. |
Renders an item in a list. |
static | DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource
A subclass of DefaultListCellRenderer that implements UIResource. |
An implementation of a "push" button. |
An implementation of a CheckBox -- an item that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user. |
A menu item that can be selected or deselected. |
JColorChooser provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to manipulate and select a color. |
Swing's implementation of a ComboBox -- a combination of a text field and drop-down list that lets the user either type in a value or select it from a list that is displayed when the user asks for it. |
A container used to create a multiple-document interface or a virtual desktop. |
A text pane to edit various kinds of content, such as html and rtf. |
JFileChooser provides a simple mechanism for the user to chooser a file. |
A lightweight object that provides many of the features of a native frame, including dragging, closing, becoming an icon, resizing, title display, and support for a menu bar. |
static | JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
This component represents an iconified version of a JInternalFrame. |
A display area for a short text string or an image, or both. |
JLayeredPane adds depth to a JFC/Swing container, allowing components to overlap each other when needed. |
A component that allows the user to select one or more objects from a list. |
An implementation of a menu -- a popup window containing JMenuItem s that
is displayed when the user selects an item on the JMenuBar . |
An implementation of a MenuBar. |
An implementation of a MenuItem. |
JOptionPane makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts users for a value or informs them of something. |
JPanel is a generic lightweight container. |
JPasswordField is a lightweight component that allows the editing of a single line of text where the view indicates something was typed, but does not show the original characters. |
An implementation of a Popup Menu -- a small window which pops up and displays a series of choices. |
static | JPopupMenu.Separator
A popupmenu-specific separator. |
A component that displays an integer value within a bounded interval. |
An implementation of a radio button -- an item that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user. |
An implementation of a RadioButtonMenuItem. |
The fundamental component in the container hierarchy. |
An implementation of a scrollbar. |
A specialized container that manages a viewport, optional vertical and horizontal scrollbars, and optional row and column heading viewports. |
protected | JScrollPane.ScrollBar
By default JScrollPane creates scrollbars that are instances of this class. |
An implementation of a Menu Separator -- a divider between menu items that breaks them up into logical groupings. |
A component that lets the user graphically select a value by slding a knob within a bounded interval. |
JSplitPane is used to divide two (and only two) Components. |
A component which lets the user switch between a group of components by clicking on a tab with a given title and/or icon. |
JTable is a user-interface component that presents data in a two-dimensional table format. |
A TextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text. |
JTextField is a lightweight component that allows the editing of a single line of text. |
A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are represented graphically. |
An implementation of a two-state button. |
JToolBar provides a component which is useful for displaying commonly used Actions or controls. |
static | JToolBar.Separator
A toolbar-specific separator. |
Used to display a "Tip" for a Component. |
A control that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline. |
The "viewport" or "porthole" through which you see the underlying information. |
Fields in com.sun.java.swing declared as JComponent | |
protected JComponent | DefaultCellEditor.editorComponent
Methods in com.sun.java.swing that return JComponent | |
JComponent | JColorChooser.getPreviewPanel()
JComponent | JFileChooser.getAccessory()
Return the accessory component. |
JComponent | JToolTip.getComponent()
Methods in com.sun.java.swing with parameters of type JComponent | |
static void | JLayeredPane.putLayer(JComponent c,
int layer)
Sets the layer property on a JComponent. |
static int | JLayeredPane.getLayer(JComponent c)
Gets the layer property for a JComponent, it does not cause any side effects like setLayer(). (painting, add/remove, etc) Normally you should use the instance method getLayer(). |
static ComponentUI | UIManager.getUI(JComponent target)
void | DefaultDesktopManager.beginDraggingFrame(JComponent f)
void | DefaultDesktopManager.dragFrame(JComponent f,
int newX,
int newY)
Calls setBoundsForFrame() with the new values. |
void | DefaultDesktopManager.endDraggingFrame(JComponent f)
void | DefaultDesktopManager.beginResizingFrame(JComponent f,
int direction)
void | DefaultDesktopManager.resizeFrame(JComponent f,
int newX,
int newY,
int newWidth,
int newHeight)
Calls setBoundsForFrame() with the new values. |
void | DefaultDesktopManager.endResizingFrame(JComponent f)
void | DefaultDesktopManager.setBoundsForFrame(JComponent f,
int newX,
int newY,
int newWidth,
int newHeight)
This moves the JComponent and repaints the damaged areas. |
void | JColorChooser.setPreviewPanel(JComponent preview)
Sets the current preview panel. |
void | ToolTipManager.registerComponent(JComponent component)
void | ToolTipManager.unregisterComponent(JComponent component)
static void | LookAndFeel.installColors(JComponent c,
String defaultBgName,
String defaultFgName)
Convenience method for initializing a component's foreground and background color properties with values from the current defaults table. |
static void | LookAndFeel.installColorsAndFont(JComponent c,
String defaultBgName,
String defaultFgName,
String defaultFontName)
Convenience method for initializing a components foreground background and font properties with values from the current defaults table. |
static void | LookAndFeel.installBorder(JComponent c,
String defaultBorderName)
Convenience method for installing a component's default Border object on the specified component if either the border is currently null or already an instance of UIResource. |
static void | LookAndFeel.uninstallBorder(JComponent c)
Convenience method for un-installing a component's default border on the specified component if the border is currently an instance of UIResource. |
static RepaintManager | RepaintManager.currentManager(JComponent c)
void | RepaintManager.addInvalidComponent(JComponent invalidComponent)
Mark the component as in need of layout and queue a runnable for the event dispatching thread that will validate the components first isValidateRoot() ancestor. |
void | RepaintManager.removeInvalidComponent(JComponent component)
Remove a component from the list of invalid components. |
void | RepaintManager.addDirtyRegion(JComponent c,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h)
Add a component in the list of components that should be refreshed. |
Rectangle | RepaintManager.getDirtyRegion(JComponent aComponent)
Return the current dirty region for a component. |
void | RepaintManager.markCompletelyDirty(JComponent aComponent)
Mark a component completely dirty. |
void | RepaintManager.markCompletelyClean(JComponent aComponent)
Mark a component completely clean. |
boolean | RepaintManager.isCompletelyDirty(JComponent aComponent)
Convenience that returns true if aComponent will be completely painted during the next paintDirtyRegions(). |
void | JFileChooser.setAccessory(JComponent newAccessory)
Sets the accessory component. |
void | DesktopManager.beginDraggingFrame(JComponent f)
This method is normally called when the user has indicated that they will begin dragging a component around. |
void | DesktopManager.dragFrame(JComponent f,
int newX,
int newY)
The user has moved the frame. |
void | DesktopManager.endDraggingFrame(JComponent f)
This method signals the end of the dragging session. |
void | DesktopManager.beginResizingFrame(JComponent f,
int direction)
This methods is normally called when the user has indicated that they will begin resizing the frame. |
void | DesktopManager.resizeFrame(JComponent f,
int newX,
int newY,
int newWidth,
int newHeight)
The user has resized the component. |
void | DesktopManager.endResizingFrame(JComponent f)
This method signals the end of the resize session. |
void | DesktopManager.setBoundsForFrame(JComponent f,
int newX,
int newY,
int newWidth,
int newHeight)
This is a primative reshape method. |
void | JToolTip.setComponent(JComponent c)
Specifies the component that the tooltip describes. |
ComponentUI | UIDefaults.getUI(JComponent target)
Create an ComponentUI implementation for the specified component. |
Constructors in com.sun.java.swing with parameters of type JComponent | |
Though the class is abstract, this should be called by all sub-classes. |
DebugGraphics.DebugGraphics(Graphics graphics,
JComponent component)
Handle on AWT Graphics |
Uses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.event |
Methods in com.sun.java.swing.event that return JComponent | |
JComponent | AncestorEvent.getComponent()
Returns the component that the listener was added to. |
Constructors in com.sun.java.swing.event with parameters of type JComponent | |
AncestorEvent.AncestorEvent(JComponent source,
int id,
Container ancestor,
Container ancestorParent)
Uses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.plaf |
Methods in com.sun.java.swing.plaf with parameters of type JComponent | |
void | ComponentUI.installUI(JComponent c)
void | ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent c)
void | ComponentUI.paint(Graphics g,
JComponent c)
void | ComponentUI.update(Graphics g,
JComponent c)
Dimension | ComponentUI.getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
Dimension | ComponentUI.getMinimumSize(JComponent c)
Dimension | ComponentUI.getMaximumSize(JComponent c)
boolean | ComponentUI.contains(JComponent c,
int x,
int y)
static ComponentUI | ComponentUI.createUI(JComponent c)
int | ComponentUI.getAccessibleChildrenCount(JComponent c)
Returns the number of accessible children in the object. |
Accessible | ComponentUI.getAccessibleChild(JComponent c,
int i)
Return the nth Accessible child of the object. |
Uses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.table |
Subclasses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.table | |
The standard class for rendering (displaying) individual cells in a JTable. |
static | DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource
A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource. |
This is the column header part of a JTable. |
Uses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.text |
Subclasses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.text | |
JTextComponent is the base class for swing text components. |
Uses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.tree |
Subclasses of JComponent in com.sun.java.swing.tree | |
TextField used when no editor is supplied. |
Displays an entry in a tree. |
Java Platform 1.2 Beta 4 |