Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4


Interface Summary
AncestorListener AncestorListener Interface to support notification when changes occur to a JComponent or one of its ancestors.
CaretListener Listener for changes in the caret position of a text component.
CellEditorListener CellEditorListener defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a CellEditor
ChangeListener ChangeListener
DocumentEvent Interface for document change notifications.
DocumentEvent.ElementChange Describes changes made to an element.
DocumentListener Interface for an observer to register to receive notifications of changes to a text document.
HyperlinkListener HyperlinkListener
InternalFrameListener The listener interface for receiving internal frame events.
ListDataListener ListDataListener
ListSelectionListener The listener that's notified when a lists selection value changes.
MenuDragMouseListener MenuMouseDragListener
MenuKeyListener MenuKeyListener
MenuListener MenuListener
MouseInputListener A listener implementing all the methods in both the MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interfaces.
PopupMenuListener A popup menu listener
TableColumnModelListener TableColumnModelListener defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a TableColumnModel.
TableModelListener TableModelListener defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a TableModel.
TreeExpansionListener The listener that's notified when a tree expands or collapses a node.
TreeModelListener TreeChangeListener defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a TreeModel.
TreeSelectionListener The listener that's notified when the selection in a TreeSelectionModel changes.
TreeWillExpandListener The listener that's notified when a tree expands or collapses a node.
UndoableEditListener Interface implemented by a class interested in hearing about undoable operations.

Class Summary
AncestorEvent AncestorEvent Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases.
CaretEvent CaretEvent is used to notify interested parties that the text caret has changed in the event source.
ChangeEvent ChangeEvent is used to notify interested parties that state has changed in the event source.
DocumentEvent.EventType Typesafe enumeration for document event types
EventListenerList A class which holds a list of EventListeners.
HyperlinkEvent HyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that something has happened with respect to a hypertext link.
InternalFrameAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving internal frame events.
InternalFrameEvent InternalFrameEvent: an AWTEvent which adds support for JInternalFrame objects as the event source.
ListDataEvent ListDataEvent Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases.
ListSelectionEvent An event that characterizes a change in the current selection.
MenuDragMouseEvent MenuDragMouseEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a MouseEvent forwarded to it under drag conditions.
MenuEvent MenuEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu which is the event source has been posted, selected, or canceled.
MenuKeyEvent MenuKeyEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a KeyEvent forwarded to it in a menu tree.
MouseInputAdapter The adapter which receives mouse events and mouse motion events.
PopupMenuEvent PopupMenuEvent only contains the source of the event which is the JPoupMenu sending the event Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases.
SwingPropertyChangeSupport This subclass of java.beans.
TableColumnModelEvent TableColumnModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table column model has changed, such as a column was added, removed, or moved.
TableModelEvent TableModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table model has changed.
TreeExpansionEvent An event used to identify a single path in a tree.
TreeModelEvent Encapsulates information describing changes to a tree model, and used to notify tree model listeners of the change.
TreeSelectionEvent An event that characterizes a change in the current selection.
UndoableEditEvent An event indicating that an undoable operation has happened.

Package Description

Provides for events fired by Swing components. It contains event classes and corresponding event listener interfaces for events fired by Swing components in addition to those events in the java.awt.event package.

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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