CSE 333 Exams

This page contains topic lists for the exams and links to exams from some previous quarters. Previous offerings of the course may have covered somewhat different topics, and the order may not have been quite the same. You are only responsible for material included during this quarter.

Suggestion: Before looking at the answers to old exams, try working the problems, then compare your answers to the ones here. That should help you get the most benefit from previous exams.

Disclaimer: Occasionally errors are spotted in old questions or answers. If you think something might not be right, ask on the course discussion board, don't just memorize what's here and assume that it could never have a bug. We'll try to fix anything that turns out to have a problem.

In addition to old exams, you will want to review homework exercises, work the suggested exercises at the end of most of the lectures, and review lecture and section material.


Final Exam

Note: summer final exams are 1 hour long compared to 1:50 during the regular year. The topics are generally the same so all of the old exams should be useful for review.