
We will not have proctored exams this quarter but students will be asked to complete a 60-minute midterm and a 110-minute final exam and to meet with their TA to discuss the results. Students who put in the effort to complete the exam and meet with their TA will get full credit for this exercise.

Final (20 points, due: Tuesday, 6/8, 11:59 pm)

  • Use this link to access the final. Ideally you would print this file and then give yourself 110 minutes to work on solving the questions. If you don't have access to a printer, you can view the file on your computer or phone and write your answers on separate pieces of paper.
  • Use this link to access the key to the final. Obviously you should not look at this until after you have completed the exam. Using this key, put a slash through any incorrect answers to the non-programming questions (questions 1, 2, and 3). You might want to look at the solutions to the programming problems, but you don't have to grade your answers to those questions.
  • Scan your exam and upload the scan (preferably a pdf) using the link below:
    final turnin
  • Schedule a time to discuss your exam with your TA (should be completed by Friday, 6/11).

Final Content:

The final will have the following structure (although the problems might be reordered to facilitate copying):
Question Points Description
1 Binary Tree Traversal 6
2 Binary Search Tree 4
3 Collections Mystery 5
4 Collections Programming 5
5 Binary Trees 10
6 Collections Programming 10
7 Comparable class 20
8 Binary Trees 20
9 Linked Lists 20

Midterm (10 points, due: Tuesday, 5/11, 11:59 pm)

  • Use this link to access the midterm. Ideally you would print this file and then give yourself 60 minutes to work on solving the questions. If you don't have access to a printer, you can view the file on your computer or phone and write your answers on separate pieces of paper.
  • Use this link to access the key to the midterm. Obviously you should not look at this until after you have completed the exam. Using this key, put a slash through any incorrect answers to the non-programming questions (questions 1 and 3). You might want to look at the solutions to the programming problems, but you don't have to grade your answers to those questions.
  • Scan your exam and upload the scan (preferably a pdf) using the link below:
    midterm turnin
  • Schedule a time to discuss your exam with your TA (should be completed by Friday, 5/14).

Midterm Content

The midterm will have the following structure:
Question Description Points
1 Recursive Tracing 15
2 Recursive Programming 15
3 Details of Inheritance 20
4 Linked Lists 15
5 Array Programming 10
6 Stacks/Queues 25
Total   100