Teaching Assistants

Aeron Langford she/her
I’m excited to TA intro one last time before I graduate this quarter! When I’m not studying computer science, I enjoy dancing, playing the harp, and spending time with my two rat terriers.

Aidan Thaler he/him
Waddup, this is my fourth quarter TAing for the intro courses but only my first for CSE 143! I think TAing is super fun so I’m super excited to try out teaching 143 (even though this quarter is gonna be super weird)!

Andy Zheng he/him
Hey everyone, Andy here! I was born in China, but I lived in Canada and the US also! I love watching animation, eating/drinking mushroom soup, and long walks o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ on the UW campus listening to audiobooks. I am excited to make this quarter fun for yall!

Anthony Tran he/him
Hi everyone! I’m a 2nd year majoring in CS. I’m from Lynnwood, one of the cities just north of Seattle. I’m also a huge fan of Musashis (everyone should go there and try their spicy mayo). I’m excited to teach and meet my students this quarter!

Austin Wong he/him
Hi I’m Austin! I’m currently a 2nd year studying CS and I’m excited to be teaching you all this quarter! I was born in Chandler, Arizona but lived in Seattle almost all my life. Outside of school, I really like playing with dogs, videography, and R&B!

Batina Shikhalieva she/her
Hello! I’m very excited to be part of your CSE143 experience this quarter. The reason I teach is to make sure you succeed and enjoy the class. A few words about me, my industry experience lies at the core of backend systems, and my biggest hobby is competitive programming.

CC Sent she/her
I’m a junior studying Computer Science! Some of my favorite things are soccer (I’m captain of the UW Women’s Club Soccer team), hiking, cats (if you’re lucky you’ll meet my cats on zoom), and food! Super excited for this quarter and getting to know you all :)

Chandan Hegde he/him
Hello! I’m Chandan and I’m excited to see what TA-ing this class remotely will be like. I grew up in California’s Bay Area, and I enjoy cooking, watching Netflix documentaries, and aimlessly scrolling through Reddit. I think you’ll really like 143; looking forward to meeting you!

David Shiroma he/him
Hello! I’m a second year studying CS and (pure) math. Fun fact: if I couldn’t be a SWE, I see myself as a professor :) When I’m not writing code or writing proofs, I like to spend my time rock climbing, brewing fancy tea, and (unproductively) binging TV shows.

Elizabeth Lin she/her
Hi, I’m a 3rd year CS student and I enjoy going on runs with my fam, playing basketball, and going to Costco. I grew up in the Bay Area but moved to the Seattle area for high school :) Fun fact is I am a twin! Excited to meet everyone this quarter!! :)

Eric Koegler he/him
Hey. My name is Eric and I’m thrilled to be a TA this quarter. In my free time I like to skip rocks and go on medium-length walks. Occasionally I do my homework, but I always eat my vegetables!

Evan Deiparine he/him
Hey everyone! I’m Evan, I am from Shoreline, Washington, and I am in my third year at UW. Outside of CSE, I’m interested in music, marching band, and lifting. I’m excited to TA for you all this quarter!

Fadel Shtiui he/him
I’m a junior studying CS. I got into CS as a side-hustle making websites, and bots to resell Supreme clothing. Outside of computer science, I like watching classic movies and playing guitar. A fun fact about me is that everyone in my family was born in a different country.

Gabriel Lam he/him
I’m Gabriel Lam. Things I like and things I hate… I don’t feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future… never really thought about it. As for my hobbies… I have lots of hobbies.

I-Miao Chien she/her
Hello, this is I-Miao (sounds like e-meow) !! I am very excited for my last quarter at UW and I can’t wait to meet my new students ;) When I am not coding, I like to binge TV shows, watch Youtube videos, do some crafting, cooking and taking small walks outside under the sun:)

Ivy Yu she/her
Hello! This is my last quarter at UW studying psychology and computer science. In my spare time I’m usually attempting to feed myself, reading psychology nonfiction, and contemplating when I can go to Disney World. Excited to meet you all :)

Jeremy Lipschutz he/him
I love tennis! I’m president of the Husky Tennis Club at UW that plays against other college clubs across the PNW. I also have two toy poodles, but they’re basking in the sun of California right now.

Joe Spaniac he/him
My name is Joe Spaniac and I’m super excited to be a TA for 143 this quarter! I’m a double major in both CS and Drama which means I’m a total theatre nerd. Outside of school I love rock climbing, painting, and spending time with friends. See you in section, lecture, or the IPL!

Jonah Cortezzo he/him
I’m a 4th year CS student and am graduating this quarter, so I’m really excited to TA intro one last time! I made a game last quarter called Yargs Ahoy! You can check it out online. I’m also vaccinated for rabies so you can ask me anything about that process. See you on Zoom!

Jordan Yoon-Buck he/him
Hi, I’m Jordan! I’m in my third year studying HCDE and math, and I’m from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When I’m not writing code, you might find me playing piano, enjoying my state-mandated outdoor activity period, or thinking about tech ethics and sustainability.

Jun Song he/him
My name is pronounced like June, but spelled without an “e”. I was born in 20 BC (20 years Before COVID-19). Outside of CS, I like playing a lot of sports–tennis, soccer, and e-sports. Also, people say I’m like decent at the guitar or something. Looking forward to this quarter!

Ketaki Deuskar she/her
Hey everyone! I’m majoring in CS and minoring in ELS. Outside of school, I love petting dogs, trying new foods, and drinking good coffee. Some of my favorite shows are The Office and Criminal Minds. I’m super excited to be a CSE 143 TA this quarter :).

Kristin Li she/her
Hi! I’m a 2nd year majoring in CS, and I’m so excited to be a 143 TA this quarter! I love dancing (I’m part of the UW Hip Hop Student Association!), watching superhero movies, and finding new food places with friends! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Nachiket Karmarkar he/him
Hi! My name is Nachiket, and I am really excited to be TAing 143 again this spring! I grew up in the Bellevue/Redmond area and am currently studying CS. In my free time, I enjoy spending time outdoors, and playing tennis!

Nathaniel Wichman he/him
Hi everyone! I’m a Washington native and fit all the coffee drinking, outdoor hiking stereotypes that description entails. My goal this last year was to check out all the cafes and coffee shops near the UW before graduation, which was unfortunately cut short by the closures.

Oscar Perez he/him
Hey I’m Oscar! This is my second year here at UW and I’m excited to TA for 143! I’m from Bremerton, Washington, which is just a ferry ride away from Seattle. I enjoy exercising, playing bass, gaming, and eating good.

Parker Terry he/him
I grew up a little bit north of here in Snohomish, Washington, and when I came to UW I had never written a line of code in my life. But I quickly fell in love with it! Outside of the classroom, I love any outdoor activity (especially soccer) or just sitting down and watching tv!

Raymond Berry he/him
Hi, I’m Raymond and I’m excited to TA 143 this quarter, and I’m looking forward to overcoming all the challenges online classes will bring. Outside of school I love playing and talking about board games. Looks like I’ll need to find a way to get my fix while being self isolated.

Sahil Unadkat he/him
Hello! My name is Sahil and this is my 3rd quarter as a TA. I’m a big fan of bouldering, listening to music, and eating Indian food. Fun facts: I’m color blind and I’ve never had a bloody nose. Can’t wait to (virtually) meet all you beautiful people!

Samuel Berensohn he/him
Hey :) My name is Sam Berensohn, I’m a sophomore in CS. Before UW I had no exposure to programming, so I definitely understand learning to code in the 14X series. I love playing sports, hanging with friends, playing FIFA and eating tons of sushi! Looking forward to meeting you!

Sanjana Sathyanarayanan she/her
Hi I’m Sanjana! I’m from Seattle and I’m a second-year studying CS! Teaching has been my favorite experience of college thus far and I’m excited to share my love for CS with you all :) In my free time I love dancing (fun fact: I’m on a dance team), traveling, and binging TV!

Sea-Eun Lee she/her
Hey! I’m a 3rd year majoring in CS. I was born in Seoul, Korea but lived in the Seattle area for most my life. One of my favorite parts of college has been teaching, and I’m excited to meet and interact with my students!😊 Outside of CS, I like to be active outdoors under the 🌞.

Sejin Kim he/him
What’s up! I’m Sejin (Say-jin), a senior majoring in Computer Science. Super excited to teach you guys this quarter! Fun fact about me: I hate rap music. Second fun fact: You’ll never get me to change my mind about the first one!

Serena Gilani she/her
I’m from Sammamish and I’m a sophomore studying computer science. I’m excited to be TAing 143 again. In my free time I enjoy hiking, baking, and drawing.

Shawn Stanley he/him
Fun fact: I’ve never had Mac and Cheese or Guac (Cool right?). I also just bought a jump rope.

Soham Pardeshi he/him
Hello! I’m a junior studying Computer Science and Philosophy. I am really excited by the intersection of epistemology and artificial intelligence theory. I’ve also spend my free time eating Panda Express, listening to fun audiobooks, and binging TV shows.

Sophia Schmid she/her
Hello! I’m excited to be TAing for 143 again. In my spare time I like to give my eyes a break from my computer. Sometimes this means getting some of that fresh air that everyone raves about.

Taylor Ka she/her
Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m studying computer science, and besides being a die-hard 143 TA, I also help direct DubHacks! I love dancing, cooking and baking, board games, being outside, and my two cats :)) I also overuse smiley faces and exclamation marks :)) Excited for the quarter!!

Thomas Hsu he/him
This is my first time TA’ing this quarter! Well, I’ve TA’d other quarters before, but this is my first time TA’ing this quarter.
I spend a lot of time listening to music—feel free to click on my name here and mock my horrendous taste.

Tyler Mi he/him
Yello! This is my last quarter at UW and boy will it be an interesting one. Happy to be teaching for you all though! When I’m not setting off fire alarms with my cooking, I like to take my tastebuds on a tour around the world with the food on the Ave.

Yuma Tou she/her
Hi! I’m excited to TA for 143 this quarter—it was one of my favorite classes and I hope you all enjoy taking it too! In my free time, I like doing puzzles and reading (mostly comic books and fiction). I would love to share my favorite books and/or hear about yours :)