CSE 142/143 TA Lab Helper ScheduleCSE 142/143 TAs will be on duty in the IPL frequently during the week. They
can help answer programming questions that arise while you are working
on homework in the lab. Students should review the follow guidelines
as to how the lab consultants can and cannot help them. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12:30 Morgan Eli Julia Kendal 1:00 Morgan Eli Julia Kendal 1:30 Lisa Eli Daniel Kendal Jake 2:00 Lisa Eli Daniel Kendal Jake 2:30 Lisa Bobby Helene Jake 3:00 Lisa Bobby Brandon Jake 3:30 Vadim Alex L David Brandon Eric A 4:00 Vadim Alex L David Brandon Eric A 4:30 Vadim Alex L Robert Brandon Eric A Alan 5:00 Vadim Alex L Robert Ethan Eric A Alan 5:30 Josh Elizabeth Morgan Alan 6:00 Josh Elizabeth Morgan Alan 6:30 Orion Eric M Felix 7:00 Orion Tim L Felix 7:30 Orion Tim L Mikey 8:00 Orion Tim L Mikey 8:30 Rosalia Tim L Mikey 9:00 Mikey