Assignment #8 (Critter Safari) --
Due electronically Wednesday, December 6, 9:00pm. Turn in here.
Specification: |
hw8-critter_safari.pdf |
Required files: |
hw8-critter_safari.zip (all of the above .java files in a ZIP archive)
Sample Solution: |
hw8-critter_safari.jar |
Tournament Files: (OPTIONAL) |
(Updated 2:00pm, Sunday Dec 10 to include Load from Web feature)
The above optional hw8_critter_tournament.zip file contains new versions of the provided files, that are now network-enabled to allow you to send your Wolf class to a neighboring computer to hold a 1-on-1 tournament with that person. This way you can test your Wolf to see how it will do in a tournmaent setting. If you want to test this out, download the above ZIP file and extract its contents, overwriting the previous versions.
To fight against another student's Wolf, you must be on two computers that can see each other over a network (such as two IPL computers or two dorm computers). Run the critter simulation (tournament version) on both computers. One computer (the "sender") will send its Wolf to the other (the "receiver"). On the sender computer, click the button on the right edge of the window labeled Wolf. A box will appear that asks you for the name or IP address of the computer to connect to. If you don't know the computer's name or IP address, you can often find it by loading a terminal window or DOS prompt on that computer and typing the following command:
If it sent correctly, the receiver computer will see a popup window asking if it wants to add the new Wolf to the simulator world. Choose how many Wolves you'd like and press OK. The wolves should appear on your screen. Then press Go to run your one-on-one tournament!
This is new code and may have a few bugs. Direct any emails about bugs or problems to Marty Stepp.
To accept incoming connections on your computer or laptop, you may have to set an exception in your computer's firewall. To do so in Windows, click Settings, Control Panel, Windows Firewall. Click the Exceptions tab. Click the Add Port... button. Enter the following information:
Name: Critters (name can be anything you like)
Port number: 5142
Then click OK until done.
NOTE: These files have been tested on DrJava but may not work on TextPad or some other environments. On TextPad you'll probably get the following error:
package com.sun.tools.javac does not exist
Assignment #6 (Baby Names) --
Part A due electronically Sunday, November 12, 11:59pm. Turn in here.
Part B due electronically Wednesday, November 15, 8:00am. Turn in here.
Specification: |
hw6-babynames.pdf |
Required input files: |
Expected output: |
Standard tests (start date 1900, names.txt):
Test 1: text,
Test 2: text,
Test 3: text,
Test 4: text,
Test 5: text,
Test 6: text
Advanced tests (start date 1920, names2.txt):
Test 1: text,
Test 2: text,
Test 3: text,
Test 4: text,
Test 5: text,
Test 6: text
Assignment #5 (Guess 2D) --
Part B due electronically Wednesday, November 1, 9:00pm. Part B Turnin page
Assignment #4 (SimpleFigure, Targets) -- Due electronically Tuesday, October 24, 2:00pm. Turn in here.
Assignment #3 (Grades) -- Due electronically Tuesday, October 17, 2:00pm.
Turn in here.
Assignment #2 (Space Needle) -- Due electronically Wednesday, October 11, 9:00pm. Turn in here.
Assignment #1 (Six Days of "Xmas") -- Due electronically Thursday, October 5, 11:59pm. Turn-in here.
Homework Submission Policy
All students are responsible for knowing the homework submission policy
Information on the course policies on academic integrity and collaboration can be found on the syllabus page.