CSE 142 Computer Programming I
Instructor: Marty Stepp & Ruth Anderson
Course Description: Basic programming-in-the-small abilities and
concepts. Highlights include procedural and functional abstraction with
simple built-in data type manipulation. Basic abilities of writing, executing,
and debugging programs.
The final exam will occur at the following times and places:
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 10:30am - 12:20pm, KANE 130 (Lecture A)
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 12:30pm - 2:20pm, KANE 130 (Lecture F)
Please mark this in your schedules and notify us immediately if you have a conflict.
More info here. |
Please bring your student ID to the final exam; we must see ID to accept your exam for credit.
Exam Review Session: Tuesday, December 12 at 5:00pm in EEB-105.
- (Sun Dec 10) Ruth and Marty will hold their normal office hours this Monday and Tuesday respectively, but in their CSE offices, not in the IPL.
- (Mon Dec 11) Critter tournament results and student wolves are now posted in the Assignments section. The top 16 wolves for each section, along with the tournament results for each section, are posted as text files. The files were renamed to use numbers instead of student IDs to protect student privacy. If you want to challenge the winning wolves, grab the newest version of the Critter Tournament code and run the GUI, then click the Load from Web button to get a list of all wolves.
- (Sat Dec 9) Sample final exam #2 has been posted in the Exams section.
- (Wed Dec 6) Sample final exam #1 has been posted in the Exams section.
- (Tue Nov 28) Homework Assignment #8 (Critter Safari) is now posted in the Assignments section. For now, it appears beneach HW7.
NOTE: No assignments may be turned in after Sunday, December 10 at 11:59pm. Also, unused late days will not be converted into extra points or any other reward. Please take this into consideration when planning how to use your remaining late days.
- (Thu Nov 9) Midterm curve: We have decided to add +7 points to each student's midterm score to account for the difficulty of question #7. This +7 cannot cause a score to exceed 100; for example, if your original score was 96, your curved score is now 100. See the discussion board thread named "Midterm" for a description about the reasoning behind the decision.