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 CSE 142 Winter 2003-- Programming Lab Information
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All of the software needed for this class is already loaded on the computers in several programming labs on campus.

Location and hours for the IPL, CRC, and OUGL.

Introductory Programming Lab (IPL)

This is our primary lab, on the 3rd floor of Mary Gates Hall.  14x Consultants hold their hours there.  The equipment is similar to that of the CRC.

Mary Gates Hall Computer Resource Center (CRC)

The CRC contains PCs on which has been installed Windows 2000, Sun's Java Development Kit (JDK), BlueJ, and other software for CSE142/143.  There is a fee for each page that you have printed. Please see the UWired web site for additional information on lab policies.

Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUGL)

OUGL has a large number of PCs and other equipment.  Some of their older machines will not have CSE142/143 courseware installed.


Consultants will be on duty in the lab at various times during the week. They can help answer programming questions that arise while you are working on homework in the lab. Check the 142 consultant schedule or 143 consultant schedule to see when someone will be on duty.  Students should review the consulting guidelines as to how the lab consultants can and cannot help them. There are also lab assistants on duty to check users in and out, to answer questions about operating the equipment, and to retrieve print-outs.

If you plan to compute at home, you will find it easiest if your system is very similar to the lab set-up.

Other labs on campus

Here is a map showing the locations of general access computing labs on campus. To use these facilities you will need a uniform access account

Know the rules

Campus computer facilities are for academic use only. Campus Computers and Communica tions has established some rules and guidelines which you should review.

See the current quarter's 142 web or 143 web for more information about the courses.

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
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