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 CSE 142 Winter 2003-- Exams & Quizzes
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Exams from this quarter, along with sample solutions, will be posted a day or two after the exam is given.

Format for Exams

The in-class exams are closed book, closed notes, no calculators permitted. You will not need any paper of your own, and you will not need to bring a Scantron form (unless announced otherwise). You will need a couple of #2 pencils. The exams will consist of a number of short-answer, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions, plus a few longer programming questions.

Exam Dates

The dates of all exams this quarter can be found on the course calendar.

Final Exam

The CSE 142 Final Exam has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 19 at 10:30 (section A) and 12:30 (section B).

Please note that these times are different than the posted UW Final Exam Schedule.

The exam will take place in KANE 120 -- NOT THE USUAL 142 CLASSROOM.

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
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