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Project 1B website of misinformation

What to include on your Disclaimer Page

1. Add these elements to your disclaimer page:

a) Descriptive title and main heading.  3 points

b) A sentence or two CLEARLY stating that the misinformation page contains false information.  3 points

c)A working link back to your misinformation page 3 points

d) Images to explain the deception:
i. The unmodified, original images (at least 2). 2 points
ii. Your modified image(s) 6 points
iii. Your "bogus Web site" logo image that you created in part 1A.  2 points

e) One paragraph citing the source of the original images and permission / legal rights to use them, along with any required text or links that must be included with the images. (This is the same information you included in part 1A)  6 points

f) One paragraph explaining how you manipulated the images in GIMP or other photo editing program.  6 points

g) Two paragraphs discussing misinformation on the web, the ethical issues involved with misinformation on the web, and the problems that can caused by reliance on the misinformation. 6 points

Things to think about or discuss: 

Who is capable of doing this?

Who is responsible for the information? 

What should information seekers be aware of (or beware of)? 

h) A table showing the results of the user test (you'll need to do the test outside of lab, but you can go head and create the table for it during lab). 4 points


Show your site to 2 individuals (preferably who do not know you are working on this project.) and ask them to rate you on the "Characteristics of Legitimate Sites" (In Chapter 5, pages 140-41 in the 3rd edition and page 148 in the 2nd edition). 

i) Two paragraphs summarizing your test results and conclusions about the success of your deception.  6 points

j) The logo indicating that your page validated ( 2 points

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

2. Upload this page to the folder you've created (project1b)

The next page is the final page, it explains what to turn in to Catalyst

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