a) Descriptive title and main heading. 3 points
b) A sentence or two CLEARLY stating that the misinformation page contains false information. 3 points
c)A working link back to your misinformation page. 3 points
d) Images to explain the deception:
i. The unmodified, original images (at least 2). 2 points
ii. Your modified image(s). 6 points
iii. Your "bogus Web site" logo image that you created in part 1A. 2 points
e) One paragraph citing the source of the original images and permission / legal rights to use them, along with any required text or links that must be included with the images. (This is the same information you included in part 1A) 6 points
f) One paragraph explaining how you manipulated the images in GIMP or other photo editing program. 6 points
g) Two paragraphs discussing misinformation on the web, the ethical issues involved with misinformation on the web, and the problems that can caused by reliance on the misinformation. 6 points
Things to think about or discuss:
Who is capable of doing this?
Who is responsible for the information?
What should information seekers be aware of (or beware of)?
h) A table showing the results of the user test (you'll need to do the test outside of lab, but you can go head and create the table for it during lab). 4 points
Show your site to 2 individuals (preferably who do not know you are working on this project.) and ask them to rate you on the "Characteristics of Legitimate Sites" (In Chapter 5, pages 140-41 in the 3rd edition and page 148 in the 2nd edition).
i) Two paragraphs summarizing your test results and conclusions about the success of your deception. 6 points
j) The logo indicating that your page validated (http://validator.w3.org) 2 points
2. Upload this page to the folder you've created (project1b)