Your goal is to make your misinformation Web site look as authentic as possible. How well you manipulate your image(s) and the quality of your content will affect how believable your site is.
1. Add the following elements to your misinformation page (the elements don't have to be in this order):
a) Descriptive page title and main heading. (4 points)
b) Your modified image(s) (6 points)
c)Two paragraphs of text to accompany your image(s). (6 points)
Note: you may use information from other sources, but if you do so, you must cite your sources (i.e. no plagiarism).
d)At least 3 working links to other Web sites that "support" the misinformation on your page. For instance, if you are doing a webpage on the discovery of alien life forms on Mars, you might want to link to the NASA page about Mars exploration: Be creative here, and try to find links that really make your webpage look authentic and credible. (6 points)
e) A link to your disclaimer page. (3 points)
f) The logo indicating that your page validated ( (3 points)

2. Upload this page to the folder you've created (project1b), and also upload your style sheet.
The next page lists the content to add to your disclaimer page