1. Use your SFTP software (or the Catalyst File Manager tool) to create a folder called "project1b" in your fit100 folder
2. Put copies of your project1a files into this folder. Include "project_plan.html" and your image files.
3. Download this blank validated XHTML 1.0 strict file. If you open it in a browser, it will look blank because there is no content in the body.
To save the file, right-click (PC) or click-hold (Mac) on the link and choose the option "Save link as..." or "Save target as..."). Save to your Desktop or the Downloads folder (default). The default is the usual location.
4. Open NotePad++, click on the "File" menu and choose "Open". Navigate to wherever you downloaded blank.html (Desktop or Downloads), select blank.html and click open. Your file should look like this one:

4. Save the page as "project1b_hoax.html" on your desktop for now.
This will be your misinformation page
5. Create another blank page and save it as "site-disclaimer.html"
This will be your disclaimer page.
Next, you will create a style sheet which will define the appearance of both of these pages.