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Project 1B website of misinformation

Add one more element to your css page

Now, you'll use your css page to change the way the headings (the <h1> tags) are displayed

1. Open your css page in NotePad++ again if it's not already open.

2. Type in "h1" and curly braces { } like this:

add h1 selector to css

By default, most browsers show text in the h1 tags as large and bold, but you can overwrite that here.

3. Between the curly braces, type "font-size" and then type a percentage (100% will make the font the same size as the default font, over 100% will make it larger than the default font, less than 100% will make it smaller). To see the effect of a change, save the css page and open your HTML pages (you may need to refresh them to get the change to show up). Be sure to end with a semicolon. Your page should now look something like this:

set font-size for H1

4. Let's do one more thing...create a new line and type "font-style". Choose "italic" or "oblique".

make h1 italic

5. Experiment some more. Add modifications to at least 2 more tags (perhaps the table tag and a tag to change the appearance of hyperlinks).


For this assignment, you need to have a style sheet that affects the appearance of both pages, but you're free to choose what aspects of the appearance you alter.

Here is how your style sheet will be graded:

CSS page is used by both the disclaimer and the misinformation page 6 points
Body is modified (using at least 2 attributes) 4 points
H1 is modified (using at least 2 attributes) 4 points
Additional modifications (at least 2 other tags and at least 2 different attributes than those used above) 6 points


Next, you'll add content to your pages

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